Autobot HQ Codes:
Enter the following at Autobot HQ:
Big Head Mode:
Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, L1, L1, L1, L2.
Glide Camera Tilt:
Circle, Circle, Up, Down, R1, R2, Down, Down.
Infinite Dash:
Up, Up, Square, Circle, Square, Square, L1, L2.
Infinite Powerlink:
Up, Down, Up, Down, Circle, Square, Square, Circle.
Infinite stealth (Must have convert minicon equipped):
Up, Up, Down, Down, L1, L2, L1, L2.
Super Tracker Beam:
L2, L2, Square, Circle, Square, R1, R1, R2.
Turbo Mode:
L1, R2, R2, Square, Square, Square, Square, L1.
Unlock All minicons:
L1, L2, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, L2, L1.
(supplied by: Mohan)
Complete Levels and Bosses:
Entered at Difficulty Select Screen, When done correctly "Code Accepted" will sound.
Amazon Boss Fight:
Left, Left, Right, L1, R2, Left, Left, Right.
Amazon Level Complete:
L1, L1, L2, Square, Square, Circle, R1, R2.
Anarctica Boss Fight:
L1, Left, L2, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Circle.
Anarctica Level Complete:
R1, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1, R1, R1.
Mid Atlantic Boss Fight:
L2, Left, Right, Right, Left, L2, L2, L2.
Starship Boss Fight:
Right, Right, Square, R1, R2, Circle, Left, Left.
Starship Level Complete:
Left, Left, Right, Circle Circle, Right, Right, Left.
Earth Level Complete:
R2, R1, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.
Mid Atlantic Level Complete:
Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Right, Left, Left, Right.
(supplied by: Mohan)
Misc. Codes:
Pause the game at any time during gameplay and enter any of the followoing codes at the pause screen.
R1, Circle, Circle, R1, R2, L1, L1, L2.
Kill any enemy with one shot:
Square, Circle, Square, Circle, L1, L1, L2, L1.
Stealth enemies:
Left, Right, Left, R1, R2, R1, Right, Right.
(supplied by: Mohan)
Disable Minicon Overload:
At the Autobot HQ screen, where you selection your autobot and mission, enter R1, R1, L2, R1, R1, L2, Circle, Circle. Disables the minicon overload so you can equip any 4 minicons regardless of power
(supplied by: Mohan)
Unlock all Extras:
At the main menu, select "EXTRAS" then enter Square,Square, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, L1, L2.
(supplied by: Mohan)
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