Console Commands
Press CTRL ` to open console then type:
"game.cheat bzbody" - Invulnerability
"game.cheat bztnt" - Infinite ammunition
"game.cheat bzfree" - Infinite biometal
"game.cheat bzradar" - Perfect radar
"game.cheat bzedit" - Enables editor
"game.cheat bzview" - Enables satellite access on Shift+F10 (Editor only)
game.cheat bzwinner" - Instant mission victory. Possibly "ai.winmission" may work too.
"game.cheat bzloser" - Instant mission loss
"game.cheat bzstealth" - Moves the user to team 0
"game.cheat bzunstealth" - Moves the user back to their original team
"game.cheat bzlockaip" - Prevents the AI from switching between plan sets
"game.cheat bzsetaip .aip " - Forces the specified team to use the declared AIP
Mission Cheats
Type the following in as your Player Name at the opening pilot select screen. Then logout to get back to the main screen.
"Play ISDF" - Unlocks all missions up to the start of 'A Battle Royale'.
"Play Scion" - Unlocks all missions up to the start of A Species Not Worthy.
"Play All ISDF" - Unlocks all missions of the ISDF Campaign and 'A Battle Royale'.
"Play All Scion" - Unlocks all missions of the ISDF Campaign and A Species Not Worthy.