Bonus Clips (DISC 7)
From the [Main Menu] select [Phase 1: OBSERVATION]. At [FIRE & WATER], press [Left] twice, a blue dot appears beside [ANATOMY OF AN EPISODE]. Press [Enter], you will see a short clip of Charlie telling the snowman joke.
Select [ON LOCATION]. At [EVERBODY HATES HUGO], press [Right] 3 times. You will now see a short clip of Jorge discussing sweat.
Go to the next page. At [SOS], press [Right] 2 times. Press [Up] once. You will now see a clip of Bernard in a tree.
Select [PHASE 2: CONDITIONING]. Select [DELETED SCENES]. At [SEEING WALT], press [Left] twice, a blue dot will appear. Press [Enter] to see a short clip of Walt being prepared for his scene where Shannon sees him in the jungle.
At [LOST FLASHBACK], press [Left] ARROW which highlights [RETURN]. Press [Left] again, which goes to [SNEAKPEEKS]. Press [Left] twice, a blue dot appears to the right of [RETURN]. Press [Enter] to see Evangeline on the beach talking about what she does over the summer hiatus.
From the [Main Menu] hightlight [Phase 3]. Press [Up] twice, a blue dot appears. Press [Enter] to see a clip discussing the Dharma cookies.
Mural (DISC 7)
From the [Main Menu] select [Phase 3]. Highlight [SECRETS FROM THE HATCH]. Press [Left] twice, a blue dot appears. Press [Enter], you will now see a picture of a mural in the hatch painted by Jack Bender.