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Top Gun Trainer

Movies Cheats, Cheat Codes and Hints

1.  Top Gun Bloops & Blunders
June 05, 2002
Goose Alive?
When Goose ejects first and breaks his neck, watch carefully when he is being lifted into the helicopter. He adjusts his harness on the way up.

Several Inconsistencies Throughout the Movie:

1. All Navy fighter pilots are required to wear Nomex flight never see Maverick or any of his friends wear them in the movie.

2. Navy tactical jet pilots are required to be on supplemental oxygen at all times.....Maverick and Goose hardly ever use it.

3. An F-14 does not have brakes. It has speed brakes but they do not work like they showed in the movie.

4. None of the pilots wear rank insignia on the shoulders of their flight the real Navy all pilots are required to.

5. Maverick wears his brown leather flight jacket with t-shirt and jeans.......a big no-no in the real Navy.

6. All of the call signs in Top Gun are bogus like Iceman, Maverick, Hollywood, Viper, etc. In the real Navy, call signs are usually goofy and ones that the pilot probably doesn't even like (given to him by his fellow pilots).

7. At the Top Gun graduation, Viper informs the graduates that there is a crisis situation and that Maverick, Iceman, Slider, Hollywood and Wolfman have to go to the ship immediately. Viper tells Maverick that he'll get his RIO (the guy that sits in the back) when he gets to the ship. Viper then tells him that if he doesn't, then to give him a call, "I'll fly with you." First off, Viper isn't qualified to fly a combat mission as a RIO and secondly they wouldnt let a squadron commanding officer just abandon his duties to go fight the enemy.

8. When Maverick and Goose "buzz the tower" in a high speed pass of the control tower at close range, all they got was a butt chewing by the Air Boss. Buzzing the tower is worthy of a flight violation and had it happened in the real world, their flying careers would have most likely been terminated.

9. When Jester introduces Charlie in the hanger, he tells the pilots that she is a civilian so they do not have to salute her. Good thing he explained that to guys that have been in the Navy for at least 3 years.

10. In the combat scene at the end, Maverick's missile payload isnt consistent with the number of missiles he fires.

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