Ammo Refilled:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Down, Right.
(supplied by: Menamebebob)
Assist Extender:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Up, Down, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Triangle, Triangle.
(supplied by: Menamebebob)
Attacks Have Different Names:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Up, Down, Left, Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square.
(supplied by: Menamebebob)
Big Scythe:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.
Big Heads:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.
Fill Pandora Assist meter:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Down, Left, X, X.
Free Seep:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, X.
Free all characters and unlock all levels:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, X, X.
Eyedoors no longer require souls to open:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square.
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up,Up,Down,Down,Left,Left,Right,Right,Square,Triangle.
Unlimited ammo:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Right, Down.
Increased Health and Stamina:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Up, Down, Down, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X.
Different colored monsters:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Open Eyedoors without using souls:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square.
Bullet holes become pictures:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle.
Warp to Advanced Training stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Square.
Warp to Basic Training stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Big Trouble in Little Downtown stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Bottom of the Bell Curve stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle.
Warp to Burn it Down stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Final Battle stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X.
Warp to Growth Spurt stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, X.
Warp to Happy Trails Insanitarium stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Higher Learning stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X.
Warp to How a Cow Becomes a Steak stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Inner Madness Stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Into the Box stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X.
Warp to Moving on Up stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to My House stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Seep's Hood stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to Shock Treatment stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X.
Warp to The Basement:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle.
Warp to The Burger Tram stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, X, Down, X.
Warp to The Corner Store stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Warp to The Museum:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Up, X, Down X, Down, X, Down, X Down, X.
Warp to Udder Madness stage:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, X, Down, X, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X.
Weapons have different names:
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle.
Pause the game, hold R + L then press Right, Up, Down, Up, Triangle, Up, Left, Square, Triangle, Right.
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