| Portal 2 | ---------- Written By: SwigGYx_x (Saul Smith) Email: swiggy12@gmail.com Version: 2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction II. Version Info III. Walkthrough Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call [C1] Tutorial [0.0] Test Chamber 00 [1.1] Test Chamber 01 [1.2] Test Chamber 02 [1.3] Test Chamber 03 [1.4] Test Chamber 04 [1.5] Test Chamber 05 [1.6] Test Chamber 06 [1.7] Test Chamber 07 [1.8] Chapter 2: The Cold Boot [C2] Test Chamber 01 [2.1] Test Chamber 02 [2.2] Test Chamber 03 [2.3] Test Chamber 04 [2.4] Test Chamber 05 [2.5] Test Chamber 06 [2.6] Test Chamber 07 [2.7] Test Chamber 08 [2.8] Chapter 3: The Return [C3] Test Chamber 09 [3.1] Test Chamber 10 [3.2] Test Chamber 11 [3.3] Test Chamber 12 [3.4] Test Chamber 13 [3.5] Test Chamber 14 [3.6] Test Chamber 15 [3.7] Test Chamber 16 [3.8] Test Chamber 17 [3.9] Chapter 4: The Surprise [C4] Test Chamber 18 [4.1] Test Chamber 19 [4.2] Test Chamber 20 [4.3] Test Chamber 21 [4.4] Chapter 5: The Escape [C5] Manufacturing Area [5.1] Factory [5.2] Neurotoxin Generator [5.3] GLaDOS' Chamber [5.4] Chapter 6: The Fall [C6] Area 01 [6.1] Area 02 [6.2] Area 03 [6.3] Area 04 [6.4] Area 05 [6.5] Area 06 [6.6] Area 07 [6.7] Area 08 [6.8] Control Room [6.9] Chapter 7: The Return [C7] Area 01 [7.1] Area 02 [7.2] Area 03 [7.3] Area 04 [7.4] Area 05 [7.5] Area 06 [7.6] Area 07 [7.7] Chapter 8: The Itch [C8] Test Chamber 01 [8.1] Test Chamber 01 (Again) [8.2] Test Chamber 02 [8.3] Test Chamber 03 [8.4] Test Chamber 04 [8.5] Test Chamber 05 [8.6] Test Chamber 06 [8.7] Test Chamber 11 [8.8] Test Chamber 12 [8.9] Test Chamber 15 [8.10] Test Chamber 16 [8.11] Test Chamber 17 [8.12] Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You [C9] Area 01 [9.1] Area 02 [9.2] Area 03 [9.3] Final Boss Battle [9.4] [I. Introduction] --------------- Hey guys! Saul here. This will actually be my first guide I have ever written, so I hope you guys enjoy it. I have included links to videos that I have recorded throughout this guide if you need some visual aid. Contact me anytime via my email, and I will be happy to update my FAQ and answer anyones questions. Also, please ask permission before you put this guide on another site. UPDATE: (May 29, 2011) I have come to the conclusion that it takes WAY too long to write and record video for my FAQs. I may do it in the future, but for now, I can't promise I will finish the videos for the other sections of this guide. HOWEVER, if you have a video you would like to share, send me a link to swiggy12@gmail.com. I will give you full credit! Thanks guys. [II. Version Info] ---------------- Version 2.0 (May 29th, 2011) Finished the guide! Version 1.5 (May 19th, 2011) Wrote Chapter 6. Version 1.4 (May 14th, 2011) -- Wrote Chapter 5. In the process of recording video for Chapter 5 as well. Version 1.3 (May 12th, 2011) -- Completed Chapter 4. Version 1.2 (May 9th, 2011) -- Completed Chapter 3. Added all video links up to this point. Version 1.1 (May 7th, 2011) -- Added video for chamber 6 in Chapter 1. Added written guide for Chapter 2. [III. Walkthrough] --------------- ~~~~~ CHAPTER 1: The Courtesy Call [C1] ~~~~~ [0.0] - Tutorial (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- When you begin the game, you will wake up in what appears to be a hotel room. To ensure you are physically fit, a male voice will ask you to look up and down. Whew, what a workout! Next, go stare at the picture of the mountain on the wall when asked. When you have done all, go back to bed. Easy stuff. After you wake up, you will hear someone speak. Walk over to the door in your little hallway and open it to find Wheatley, your new robot friend! The voice over the intercom will alarm you that it’s time to evacuate. Wheatley will then enter a hole in the ceiling, but rest assured, he will get you out of here! When Wheatley asks you to say yes, press A. You will jump. He then asks you to say apple. Press A again, and you jump again. Wheatley will then go back up to the roof and start moving the room around. Jump into the debris of your chamber. Wheatley will leave you shortly after this for the time being. Head forward and fall through the glass and into a room. This activates the male announcer’s voice. Let the tests begin! [1.1] - Test Chamber 00 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- Well, doesn't this look all too familiar! You should notice that this first chamber looks similar to the first room in Portal 1. There will be an orange portal that appears on the wall. Stepping through it will make you come out the blue portal outside of this glass chamber. Go through the first hallway. Stepping the big red button on the floor will release a cube. Go over, pick it up with X, and carry it back to the big red button and press X again to release the cube on top of it. The door will open. Go through it. [1.2] - Test Chamber 01 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- Dropping down into this chamber, you will notice there are three glass rooms. Pressing the red button in front of these rooms will open up blue portals. First, press the red button on the right, then head through the orange portal (located right behind you when you first drop into the chamber). Pick up the cube, then turn back. Go hit the red button on the left of the room, then go through the orange portal again. Drop the cube on top of the big red button. Head back. The door on the north end of the room is now open. Hit the red button in front of it, and go back in the orange portal. Continue through the door and onto your next test. [1.3] - Test Chamber 02 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- Going into this test, you will reunite with Wheatley. Hurray! Go towards the middle of the room where the portal gun is suppose to be. Instead, the floor will give way, making you fall down with it. Make your way to the room with crazy drawings on the walls. Go up the stairs and you will find your precious portal gun. Finally! Using your new toy, shoot a portal at the wall. It will make you come out of the orange portal up top. Climb up the stairs and simply walk through the various hallways. Eventually, you will drop down, and an orange portal will appear. Shoot a portal at the wall to come out the orange side. You will come to an area that seems like a dead end, but fear not! Simply shoot a portal near the door in which you are trying to get to, and go through the orange portal behind you. Go through the door and onto your next test. [1.4] - Test Chamber 03 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- This next room will have smooth jazz to sooth your soul. Neat! You will notice a cube falling down into a deep pit on the right side of the room. When it falls down, shoot a blue portal underneath it, making the cube come out of the orange portal on your level. Simply take the cube and put it on the big red button. Continue through the door to your next test. [1.5] - Test Chamber 04 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- When you enter this room, you will notice an orange portal appear up top. Shoot a blue portal at a nearby wall to get up there. Next, shoot a portal at the wall directly across from you (the platform with the cube). Turn around, go through the orange portal, and grab the cube on the other side. Drop down and put that cube on one of the big red buttons on the floor. On the north side of the room, there is a small pit with a cube in it. Shoot the floor underneath the cube to make it come out of the orange portal. Get back up there, grab the cube, and put it on the other big red button. Head through the door. You will be in a closed-off room, so just shoot a portal on the wall to get out. Head to the elevator. [1.6] - Test Chamber 05 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- Entering this room, shoot a blue portal on the floor to come out of the orange one. Now press the standing red button to dispense a cube on the north-east corner of the room (follow the blue dots on the wall to find it). Shoot a portal underneath the newly-dispensed cube to make it come out of the orange portal behind you. Pick it up and put it on the big red button. There are some stairs that will form after you do this, so go up them. Go towards the two standing red buttons. The left one will release another cube, and the right one will bring up the wall. What you must do is shoot a portal where the cube falls, sending it out of the orange one. However, a couple seconds after releasing the cube, go over and hit the button on the right. This will bring up a wall that keeps the cube from flying into the water. Go down and pick up the cube. Climb back up the stairs and place it on the big red button on the floor. Head through the door. [1.7] - Test Chamber 06 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlpTzRoEP00) ---------------------- Shoot a portal on the wall to get into the next room. Now you will want to shoot a blue portal in the bottom of the pit in the middle of the room. Next, jump down into the portal. The momentum will send you flying onto the other side of the room. While on this platform, there is a small glass room with a hole in it below you (near the edge of the platform). Looking through the hole, shoot a portal underneath the cube in this small room. This will send the cube through the orange portal. Go back and pick up the cube. Shoot another blue portal in the pit, and then jump through it while still holding the cube. Put the cube on the big red button, and go through the door. When you enter the next room, look to the left. Shoot a portal on the slanted panel, and then jump down into the pit and through the orange portal. Next, grab the cube, shoot a portal on the opposite side of where you shot your first portal, and jump down into the orange portal again (while still holding the cube). Go put the cube on the big red button on that platform. Now, shoot a portal way up high on the same wall that you did last time. Jump through the orange portal, and walk through the door. [1.8] - Test Chamber 07 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhXI4o8T1UM) ---------------------- You'll meet back up with your witty robot friend, Wheatley. Hurray! Place a portal on the wall behind him and jump through the orange one. He'll detach himself from the rail, so pick him up with X and plug him into the socket that comes out of the wall. After he opens up a secret wall, Pick him back up, get on the catwalks, and follow them to the next area. You will eventually reach a broken-down GLaDOS. Go past the big metal circular object and you will find some stairs. Following that, you will reach the breaker room/cylinder. Plug Wheatley in when you get the chance. After he accidentally wakes up GLaDOS and you fall into the pit, move along the rails and wreckage until you come across the complete portal gun. Fire a portal on the wall ahead and then fire one on the wall next to you to continue on. The rest of this chapter just consists of firing portals to get past obstacles. End of Chapter 1! ~~~~~ CHAPTER 2: The Cold Boot [C2] ~~~~~ [2.1] - Test Chamber 01 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPfdwgYi1xo) ---------------------- In this room, GLaDOS says she is going to trap you in a room with deadly lasers! Oh no! Well, luckily, there is only one laser. You will want to shoot a blue portal where the laser is hitting on the ground. Go stand on the lift near the door. Now, shoot an orange portal above the laser receiver (follow the illuminating dots on the left wall to find it). The lift will rise, and you can go ahead and continue unto your next chamber. [2.2] - Test Chamber 02 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPfdwgYi1xo) ---------------------- First, jump over the laser in this room. Find the small area in this chamber's corner that has a cube in it. Shoot a blue portal under the cube, and then shoot an orange portal on a nearby wall to grab it. Position this cube in front of the laser beam (while still holding it), and then try to deflect the laser into the receiver nearby (again, follow the glowing dots on the wall). Walk up the newly-formed stairs. You still need a cube to put on the red button. While still being on the second floor, shoot a portal underneath the cube you just used. Fire another portal on the floor, grab the cube and put it on the red button. Continue through the door. [2.3] - Test Chamber 03 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPfdwgYi1xo) ---------------------- When you enter this room, get up to the platform with the cube on it (not the platform in the middle that raises) by using portals. Look up. See that laser receiver? Go ahead and shoot an orange portal on the floor directly below it. Grab the cube and jump to the middle platform. There are two laser receivers in this room--one on the wall, and one on the ceiling of the platform you just jumped from. Using the cube, deflect a laser into the receiver on the wall. Next, shoot a blue portal on the wall that the other laser is running into. Both lasers should now be hitting their receivers, allowing you to go to your next chamber. [2.4] - Test Chamber 04 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuu6_uo7Nk) ---------------------- Look to the left when you enter this room. Place an orange portal on the middle part of the wall, and a blue one on the platform with the red button across from you. Hit the red button so a cube appears. Now shoot a blue portal on the wall that the laser is hitting into, making it come out of the orange portal and hitting the receiver. The platform will now start to move. Jump on it with the cube in hand, and ride it until you hit the other side. Place the cube on the big red button and carry on through the door. [2.5 - Test Chamber 05 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuu6_uo7Nk) ---------------------- This is probably one of simplest (and enjoyable) challenges yet. The launch pads are bouncing a cube back and forth, so all you have to do is jump on one yourself and catch the cube. Try to launch yourself when the cube is near its highest point. When you have grabbed it, put it on the big red button. Carry on to your next test. [2.6] - Test Chamber 06 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuu6_uo7Nk) ---------------------- Jump on the launch pad in this room. You will bounce around a couple times, and then head towards a wall with two slanted panels. The idea here is to use momentum to shoot out one slanted panel and through the next, launching you to the other side. You have to try and act fast because you only have a limited amount of time. But if you screw up, no worries--just portal yourself to the start and try again. Once you are on the other side, hit the standing red button for a cube. After GLaDOS is done being a funny gal by sending you junk to use, she will send you a cube. Catch that when it is coming near you. Shoot a portal atop of the big red button nearby, and the other on a wall. Try to drop the cube through the portal and onto the big red button. Once you have accomplished that, head through the door. [2.7] - Test Chamber 07 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuu6_uo7Nk) ---------------------- Grab the cube with the heart symbol on it. After GLaDOS dissolves it a few times (damn her trickery!), she will give you a proper one. Block the lasers path via the cube, and jump on the elevator. You will want to now move the cube to go up, so move the cube with portals. Now that you are up top, get the cube up there by using portals. Stand between the two slanted panels and look across the room. Grab the cube, turn left and shoot a portal on that panel. Using momentum, jump down through the other portal, sending you to the other side. Put the cube on the big red button. Move the portal on the panel to the panel beside it, and using the previous principles, use momentum to get to the other side. Go through the door. [2.8] - Test Chamber 08 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhoD3-OJTh0) ---------------------- When GLaDOS is done talking, head up the stairs and through the translucent wall. Hit the standing red button to call down a cube. It will dissolve if you try and bring it through the wall, so you will have to use your portal gun. Shoot a portal through the glass portion of the wall with a hole in it, and another behind you. Bring the cube through the portal. Using the cube, aim the laser to hit the receiver outside of the wall. Head through the door. Congratulations on completing Chapter 2! ~~~~~ CHAPTER 3: The Return [C3] ~~~~~ [3.1] - Test Chamber 09 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Xa56-5qOE) ---------------------- There is a story bit at the first of this room. When GLaDOS finally lowers the ceiling, shoot a portal up there--one right above the launch pad, and the other slightly further north. Hop on the launch pad and jump through the portals. There are three slanted panels in this room. Shoot a portal on the slanted panel furthest from the rooms exit. Go back to the launch pad. Shoot the opposite portal above it. Using momentum, you should go flying up to the second floor. Press the red button, and a cube will drop directly across from you. Shoot a portal on the other nearby panel, and using the previous step, shoot across to the other side and grab the cube. Using the cube, jump down and direct the laser beam towards the lone wall that blocks the laser receiver. Shoot a portal on the slanted panel near that wall, and go back to use the launch pad to go through it. Now that you are up there, shoot two portals on the lone wall below--one on each side of it. The laser should go through the portals as if the wall wasn't there, and hit the laser receiver. [3.2] - Test Chamber 10 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Xa56-5qOE) ---------------------- This will probably be the first test that will leave you scratching your head. When you first enter this room, look to the right--you will see a cube. How do you get over there? Momentum, of course! Turn around, and shoot a portal as high as you can above the entrance door. Go towards the platform with the cube. You will notice there is a skinny pit before it, and this is where you will use your momentum. Shoot a portal down there, and jump through. You should now be on the platform with the cube. Grab it, and go back to the entrance. With the cube in hand, jump on the launch pad. You will hit a glass wall. Go towards the laser receiver and put your cube down infront of it. With the glass wall lowered, go jump on the launch pad again, which will now launch you unto a higher floor. Hit the standing red button up here. It will shoot a cube up towards you. When it reaches you, grab it. Take it down a floor, swap it with the cube in front of the receiver, and direct the laser beam to hit the portable wall in the distance. Grab the cube that isn't doing anything and hop on the launch pad again. Now shoot a portal on the wall across from the laser receiver. Pick the cube back up, jump down to the launch pad, and ride it one last time. The glass walls shouldn't be up anymore, which will send you to the highest floor. Place the cube on the big red button, and head through the door. [3.3] - Test Chamber 11 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqDfBAYAywQ) ---------------------- This is the first room that will make you utilize light bridges! First, shoot a portal on the wall the bridge is running into. Next, shoot the opposite portal across the way near the exit. Once you are over there, hit the standing red button. You can see through the glass that the poor cubes are just falling in the water! This will not stand! Alright, so now you have to get over to where the cubes are dropping. Walk back onto the bridge, and at about the half way mark turn right and shoot a portal slightly lower than the height you are at. Now the light bridge is running the opposite way. Turn around and walk in the direction towards the falling cubes. Turn left, shoot a portal, and go forward. Turn right and shoot a portal on that wall--now the bridge should be running under where the cubes are dropping, allowing you to grab one. With a cube in hand, head through the portal you just made, making you come out near the entrance. Shoot a portal on the same wall the bridge is running into, but higher up. Grab your cube, and go through. Without going too far, turn left and shoot on the portal close by while standing on your cube (you need to keep your cube with you). Go half way on the bridge and look to the left--see that glass room with the big red button? Yeah, you need to get over there. Turn right and shoot a portal while standing on your cube. Walk across the bridge with the cube and put it on the big red button. Alright, home stretch! Simply use portals to get to the exit door. You can now head on through it. [3.4] - Test Chamber 12 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp07VEfHLoU) ---------------------- When you enter this room, shoot a portal above the light bridge up and to the left. Then shoot the opposite portal on the nearby wall. Now that you are on the bridge, shoot one portal on the wall the bridge is running into to, and the other in the distance to the right. Go through the portal, which should bring you to the start. Hit the standing red button, and make sure your bridge is under the location where the cube is falling. Grab one. Now you need to get to the other side! Get back up to where the original light bridge is again. Go to the source of the light bridge, and look down. Place another portal on the vertical part of the standing red button platform. Ride it to the other side, which should lead you to the exit. Place your cube on the big red button. [3.5] - Test Chamber 13 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQhT1KRSq1s) ---------------------- In this chamber, you will be introduced to those pesky turrets. To destroy these buggers, simply pick them up and throw them down with X. Get rid of the first one this way. Don't run around this first corner or you will be pelted with bullets. Instead, shoot a portal behind the turret around the corner, and another on a nearby wall. This allows you to get behind him without harming yourself. Destroy it. There is another corner after this. Shoot a portal underneath the turret, and another one on the wall. This should destroy the turret. Continue ahead and up the stairs. To get rid of the two turrets in the glass room, you need to shoot a portal on the ceiling, but behind the turret. Repeat this step again for the other one. Now they both should be down. In the next room, there should be three turrets. Using the previous step, shoot a portal on the ceiling to drop down behind them. If you are fast enough, you can just run to all three and destroy them without getting hurt. Simply go back and pick up a cube near the glass room, and bring it near the exit door. Place it on the big red button. [3.6] - Test Chamber 14 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpHmOrOEGPI) ---------------------- Once you get lifted up to the next platform, the tests will begin. Pick up the cube in this room and take it to the right side of the room (while still being lined up with the laser beam). Line up the two receivers on the left and direct the laser beam through both of them. Now there is just one left! Shoot a portal on the wall that the laser is now running into. Now shoot the opposite portal on the right wall. The laser coming out of the portal must hit the remaining receiver. Once you have done that, you are granted access to the next chamber. [3.7] - Test Chamber 15 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C62vFmpXShI) ---------------------- You will again have to utilize light bridges in this chamber. Shoot a portal on the wall where the light bridge is running into. Creep around the corner slowly and put the opposite portal on the wall in front of the turret, granting you a barrier. Get as close to the turret as possible, shoot a portal off to get rid of the barrier and run to destroy the turret. Continue on to the wide-open room. To walk around this room without getting lit up, you will have to use the light bridge as a barrier wherever you go. While protecting yourself this way, head towards the exit. You will see two launch pads. They will just send you back and forth unless you have a light bridge in the middle of them, so create one above the exit door. You need to run across the glass bridge, but they will pelt you if you don't protect yourself. Shoot a light bridge going across the lower part of the room. Now run across the glass bridge and fall down. Quickly take out the four turrets there. Grab the cube and put it on the big red button in the middle of the room. Just one small part left! To destroy the two remaining turrets, simply use the strategy that I introduced in the first part of this room. Head through the door. [3.8] - Test Chamber 16 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkjsyR2eY6o) ---------------------- Get into the middle of this room and stand on the big red button. See that laser beam shooting down towards the floor? Shoot a portal underneath that. Then, shoot a portal on the wall that faces those damn turrets. The laser should come out of the portal, destroying the turrets. Go ahead some, grab a cube (not the reflecting one, the standard cube), and bring it back to the big red button. Set it on top of it. Go back and put up the reflecting cube. Point it towards the turrets past the glass wall, destroy them, and then point it towards the receiver over there. Now you can head towards the exit and through the door. [3.9] - Test Chamber 17 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9t8wA_U_L0_) ---------------------- Yay, more light bridges! Shoot a portal on the wall that the light bridge is running into, and another on a nearby wall to get up there. Before you grab the cube, shoot a portal on the opposite wall of where your light bridge portal is. Grab the cube and head through the portal to the other side. You should be close to the laser receiver this time. Place the cube near the front of the receiver, blocking the beam. It should also be directly over the big red button. Head towards the elevator. While standing on the elevator, get rid of the bridge going across the big red button. The cube will fall, which should land on top of the big red button and lifting the elevator in the process. Congratulations, you just completed Chapter 3! ~~~~~ CHAPTER 4: The Surprise [C4] ~~~~~ [4.1] - Test Chamber 18 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IanUwyNjVic) ---------------------- This room is a bit unusual. Not only is it very open, but there is a lot of things going on. First, Shoot a portal on the other side of the room while using the vertical light bridge for cover. Go through the portal. You should see a standing red button to your left. If you press it, you'll notice that the two cubes just bounce into each other and then fall into the water. Using the light bridge, make a barrier between them near the far launch pad. If you get do it right, both cubes should be on the far away launch pad. Return to the start of the room using portals. BE CAREFUL! If you haven't noticed yet, there is a turret in this room that will rip you to shreds. You may need to use cover by constantly using the light bridge as a barrier (shoot one portal above the light bridge, and the other portal wherever you are on the floor). Go grab a cube, and carefully move to the south-west area of the room. See the laser shooting down? Direct the laser into the two receivers that are lined up perfectly. Go back and grab the other cube. Using the cube, direct the laser in the middle of the room to the turret, destroying the thing once and for all! Then, simply shoot the laser through the two remaining receivers. [4.2] - Test Chamber 19 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxeQ9ErGNMU) ---------------------- This chamber is hard if you don't know what you are doing. First, grab the cube in the middle of the room and bring it to the right side of the room. Look up and shoot a portal to the upper platform. Get up there using portals, while bringing the cube with you. Direct the laser to the receiver across from you. Go back to the middle of the room. Look up where you dropped down near the first. Then, look slightly left of that--you will see a small portable tile on the ceiling. Portal your way up there and grab the cube when you fall down. Bring it up to the entrance door. Next, you need to get the third cube. Shoot a portal above the launch pad in the middle of the room and hop on there using another portal. While you are going up and down on this launch pad, look around the room--see the cube up high near the entrance? You will need to use momentum to get there. Shoot your other portal on the big portable wall on the side of the room. Once you get to this final cube, bring it back to the entrance door like you did with the second one. Now we need to get to the location where the first receiver we saw was. Using momentum and portals on the wall, shoot a cube over there first. Then, Go over there yourself and direct the laser towards the receiver near the entrance door. Go back up near the entrance door. Now use the final remaining cube to direct the laser towards the turrets across from you, and then towards the final receiver near the exit door. A bridge will form. Use momentum and portals on walls to get over there. Go through the door. [4.3] - Test Chamber 20 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z8Z2pkcbX0) ---------------------- Explore this room for a minute. You will find three laser receivers near the exit door. Put a portal on the lone wall in front of them. Now look at the wall on the right of the entrance door. Place the other portal on that wall where the laser is running into. Now one of the lasers should already be hitting a receiver. You will notice that there are two cubes in this room. Take one of them and direct the one of the other laser beams into the nearby portal. Position it so you can see that you are hitting a receiver. Repeat that step again, and you should be hitting all three receivers! [4.4] - Test Chamber 21 (Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY_dDT-lOoM) ---------------------- Shoot a portal on the wall the light bridge is running into, and another on the wall right by the standing red button in the distance (use zoom if you need to find it). Press the button and a cube will fall behind you. Go grab it...well, try to. The power will go out, and your friend Wheatley will return once more. After your chat, start running! Wheatley will encourage you to keep running, and I suggest you do just that. Continue running through the linear path until you get to the room with turrets. Find your way around these little guys and destroy them. Near the turret that was furthest away is a low wall that you can see over. There is a wall outside that you can shoot to portal yourself out of there. The rest of the chamber will simply consist of more running until you get to the elevator. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 5: The Escape [C5] ~~~~~ [5.1] - Manufacturing Area (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first door will not open, so shoot one portal through the door and the other next to you. After walking on a bunch of catwalks you will drop down on a moving conveyor belt. Watch out for lasers near the end of this section. Next, portal your way up to the next area. Once you are there, Wheatley will shine his light on a wall across the way that you can portal over to. Do this again and you're back on solid ground. Well...not for long. The next catwalk is broken, so jump down to crate, then down to the next one, and onto the tube. Work your way down to the next area. [5.2] - Factory (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Place a portal somewhere in the office and another one on the wall above the first conveyor belt. Move along up to the second conveyor belt. At the end of the conveyor belt, drop down onto the catwalk below. You will then reach a room in which there are some turrets unloading bullets on a wooden dummy. Shoot a portal on the wall and the other above the dummy. When the turret runs out of bullets, quickly shoot a portal through the far window and another on the wall behind the dummy. Continue through the portal. Keep going until you see a turret assembly line on the left and an incinerator on the right. Once in a while, if the turret is bad, it will be flung through the air into the incinerator. Wait and catch one of these bad boys in mid-air, because you will need it in a minute. When you find the next room, wait for Wheatley to destroy the glass. After that happens, portal inside the little room and remove the template turret. Replace the template turret with the busted one you caught a minute ago. Follow the linear path after that to the end. [5.3] - Neurotoxin Generator (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Keep waking on the catwalks until you reach the elevator. Once you ride that up, press the red button to open the nearby door. Before going in, look up. See where that laser is running into the wall? Shoot a portal there. Continue through the door. I suggest you listen to Wheatley ramble on in the next room-- not because it's important, but it is damn funny. :) Okay, now go past the room Wheatley is in. Look out and to the left. You will see walls slowly rising up in the distance. Shoot your other portal on one of the walls. It will destroy the first set of tubes. Now look up and to the right of that location. You will see walls moving across the ceiling. Shoot a portal on one of these to destroy the rest of the tubes. After this, go into the room where Wheatley is, and get sucked into the next area. [5.4] - GLaDOS' Chamber (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Just continue to go through the tubes with Wheatley. Once you reach a part where you can go left on a ledge, look up. Shoot a portal up on the ceiling, and the other on a nearby wall. Portal yourself over there. Open the door. It's a fake! GLaDOS has tricked you good! Fall down on the moving lift with the toilet. I won't spoil anything here, so just wait until you can get out of your glass room and then pick up Wheatley. When the time comes, plug him into the computer under GLaDOS. Head up the stairs. You need to get to that standing red button, but GLaDOS will try to prevent you from getting there. You will have to portal yourself over there using the wall and the floor underneath your feet. Use the walls to get around this next part--when the floor raise and blocks you, run through a portal to the other side of the room. Hit the button! Watch the craziness that ensues, and fall down to the next chapter. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 6: The Fall [C6] ~~~~~ [6.1] - Area 01 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- You will reach this area after falling through the wooden planks with the "potato". Walk through all the wreckage until you reach a dead end with a chain fence. Shoot a portal on the wall across from the fence, and another on a nearby wall. Portal yourself over there. Now look up and shoot a portal on the portable wall, then portal yourself up there. Walk through the dark alley until you reach another dead end. Shoot a portal up and left of the fence (you may need to zoom to find it). Get over there using portals. Fall down and walk along the metal debris. Take a left. You will see signs like "DO NOT ENTER". Look way up and left (again, use your zoom). Shoot a portal up there, and another on a nearby wall. Once up there, go down the first set of stairs. Look down past the "KEEP OUT" sign. Shoot a portal on the wall down there. Go through another portal to get down there. Fall down and continue walking past the "KEEP OUT" signs. follow the path until you reach the levers. Press it. After this, portal over to one of the rooms with the numbers above it. You need to press both buttons in these rooms within 4 seconds of each other, so use portals to do that. Once accomplished, a door will open. You can now go into the vault and into the next area. [6.2] - Area 02 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Go through the door. Walk along the catwalk and go up the stairs. You will see a door that is half open. Shoot a portal inside the room and get in there. Hit the lever inside and go through the door. You will enter a room with a recording being heard over the loud speakers. You will need to get to the room to the right of the entrance door. It's momentum time! Look way up and to the right of the broken elevator. Place a portal up there and get up to that area. Follow the steal walkway to the left and look back and down. Your aiming to go through the the big O in the sign down there, so shoot a portal on the wall that will send you through there. Shoot the other portal on the floor below, and use momentum to shoot yourself through the O and on to the other side. Go through the door. Keep walking until you reach an elevator. Hop on it and go up. When you arrive at the top, get out and look to your left. In the distance there is a small area with a slanted roof and a few inoperable doors. Shoot a portal on the slanted roof. Now go down a couple of flights of stairs until you can look down the elevator shaft. Shoot a portal down there and fall through, shooting you to the next area. Hit the switch in this next room. After that, shoot a portal way up on the highest catwalk in the next room. Portal up there. Walk outside and down the blue gel pipe. Ride the elevator. [6.3] - Area 03 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Follow the catwalks to the next room. Now you will experiment with repulsion gel! This blue gel makes you jump a bit higher. First, portal up to the platform with the big red button. Then, jump across the room to the standing red button (the blue gel will make you jump higher the higher you fall). Hit the button and go grab the cube. Portal up to the big red button again and place the cube on it. Jump across the room and through the door. In this next part, look up and shoot a portal on the one portable wall above the speaker. Portal yourself up there by shooting the nearby wall. Follow the linear path. [6.4] - Area 04 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- In this room, you will want to portal yourself on to the moving lift. Once you are on there, ride it to the standing red button and press it. Grab the cube and portal yourself over to the big red button. Place the cube on it. You'll notice that it opens up a small portal wall a little bit high up. Portal yourself up there, then use the blue gel on the floor to jump across to the next room. In here, jump in between the walls by using the blue gel. Grab the cube and bring it back to the big red button. This will open up a final portable wall. Portal up there and jump across the room, just like before. [6.5] - Area 05 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Once you get out of the elevator, fall down and walk across the broken catwalk. After this, look up very high and shoot a portal on the only portable wall up there. If you need help finding it, look for the blue gel pipe--it's above the base of that. Portal yourself up there using a nearby wall. Walk around the catwalk and you should see a room in a short distance. Shoot a portal on the ground in that room and portal over there. When you enter the next room, hit the standing red button. This will make the blue gel begin to drip. Shoot a portal underneath it and another one on the wall next to the platform that is slightly above you (they kind of resemble stairs, but you need the blue gel to jump up there). Repeat this step to get up even higher. Shoot a portal on the floor between you and the platform with the slanted panel so that blue gel comes out of it. When it comes through, move the portal so the blue gel falls on the floor. Now use this gel to jump across. Do the very same thing again when you get on this platform to jump up higher. Next, shoot a portal on the slanted panel so blue gel goes flying through that. Once that is done, you will want to go through the slanted panel using momentum. Once achieved, you should fly through the panel, hit the blue gel, and finally get to the exit. Neat! [6.6] - Area 06 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Head into the next room. Shoot a portal on the floor where the gel is dripping, and the other on the floor next to the standing red button up high. Move the portal when the gel is in the air so that it splats on the floor. Jump up and hit the button--this will stop the water flow in the middle of the room, but only for a limited time. Quickly shoot a portal on the small wall above you behind the mesh steel. You will need the gel to shoot through this portal so that it hits the area where the water was hitting, and then jump on the gel, shooting you up to the platform above you. Once you go through the door, shoot portals so that the blue gel comes out of the slanted panel. Now that the area is coated with blue gel, go up high on the catwalks. Jump through a portal and out the slanted wall. You will hit the gel and fly up top. Before going too far, look back down and make sure there is a portal underneath the dripping blue gel. Continue on up the stairs and look in the distance. Shoot a portal on the wall high up and to the left. Once the opposite wall is coated in gel, shoot a portal beneath you and use momentum to hit that gel. Once up here, shoot the wall on the pillar you are on. After that, look directly up and shoot a portal up there. Go through. [6.7] - Area 07 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- In this room, you will notice a glass chamber with a cube inside. Shoot portals so that blue gel drips into this chamber. The cube will jump around and break the glass completely. Grab the cube. Wash the cube off in the nearby water. After that, go place it on the big red button. Get up to the lift by using repulsion gel and portals. Once you are on the lift, shoot a portal above the cube so that gel hits it, making it jump up in the air. The lift will raise. [6.8] - Area 08 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- In this next bit, walk forward until you are slightly past the catwalk. Turn around and look to your left--there is a portable wall there. Shoot a portal there, then return to the entrance lift. Look to the right on the big wall that says "1971" and shoot another portal over there. Get over there and go through the door. In this room, portal yourself up top on the catwalk. Look down and place both of your portals on each of the white patches on the floor. What you will need to do is jump through the nearest portal, and as you are coming out of the second one, shoot a portal on the white panel so that you come out of that one next. If you did it right, it will send you up to where you need to be. Once you're up top, go inside the office and hit both blue and orange gel pressure control levers, then move outside. [6.9] - Area 09 (Control Room) (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- This is the last area in Chapter 6. Woohoo! Alright, first, get up to the catwalks above you using portals. After that, look to the right where a massive pipe is. You need to shoot a portal slightly to the right of that, and then another one beneath you. Jump down and the momentum will take you through to your next area. Well well, look who it is! Your old buddy GLaDOS is still alive and kicking (despite being a potato...). After your chat, she will join you for a bit. After this, the lift will raise. You will need to use momentum again to get on to that catwalk. Shoot a portal as high as you can while still being aligned with the catwalk, and then fall down into another portal. If successful, you have just completed Chapter 6! ~~~~~ CHAPTER 7: The Reunion [C7] ~~~~~ [7.1] - Area 01 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first thing you will want to do is coat the runway that leads to the ramp with orange gel. Portal yourself up to the platform with the small red button. Before hitting the button, shoot a portal under the gel dispenser and another on the wall behind the runway. Hit the button and this will coat the runway. Run on this gel and over the ramp to the next area. Shoot a portal on the nearby wall. After that, look back to the first area and shoot a portal where the small red button is. Go back and hit the button so that the gel shoots out of the second area's portal. Now this runway is coated as well. Run across to the third area. Using portals, grab the cube in the glass chamber. With it in hand, go back to the first area and put the cube on the big red button. This will raise the ramp on the runway. Go back to the second area, shoot a portal on the nearby wall again. Have the other portal come out the first area's runway. Now you will definitely have enough momentum to get across into the fourth and final area. This in area, you will notice another small red button way up above a white floor panel. What you need to do is use one of the runways coated with gel to get enough momentum to come through the floor panel to fly up and hit the button. Head on through the door. [7.2] - Area 02 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- There are two gel dispensers in this room. First, you want to get some blue gel on the end of the runway. Look above the very end of the runway and shoot a portal on the ceiling. Place another where the blue gel will fall after hitting the correct red button. Now coat the runway leading up to that point in red gel by using the same principles. However, instead of using the panel up high, you will need to shoot a portal on the pillar infront of you to coat the runway. Run and jump across to middle structure. Next, go around the pillar and look up. Get up to the higher catwalk by using portals. Leave a portal up top, and portal back to the start. Now place your other portal on the pillar that you are about to jump and hit into. This will make you come out of the portal up atop the pillar, shooting you to the exit. [7.3] - Area 03 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- This area has a lot of stuff going on in it! First, coat the runway in the distance by placing portals under the red gel dispenser and another on the wall behind the runway. Right above that wall is a slanted panel--you will want to get blue gel coming out of that one. Portal yourself over there. Now that you are on the runway, place one portal on the wall and another on the slanted panel above it. Run through the wall portal and it will send you flying to a suspended platform. Grab the cube on this platform. While still on this platform, look around until you see a small area with a few white panels and a big red button. Portal yourself over there with the cube. Before placing the cube on the big red button, you will want to coat the platform that rotates with blue gel (that platform is suspended slightly ahead of you). Obviously, use portals and blue gel to achieve this. Now that this platform is coated, place the cube on the big red button so that it rotates. Portal back to the start of the level. Look up past the runway you coated earlier and you will see another platform with two white portal walls. Shoot the one on the left. What you need to do is run on the runway through a wall portal and come out of the portal you just made beforehand. This will make you bounce off the blue gel you just put on the rotating platform a minute ago and on to the exit. Huzzah! [7.4] - Area 04 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- In this next little area, look above you and find a catwalk. Portal yourself up there and go through the emancipation grid. Look to your right and portal yourself up to the wall that says "Pump Station Gamma". Head through the other grid. In this part, stick to the left side of the room and walk into a small room. Hit all three of the gel pressure control levers. You can't get back the way you came or you will be crushed, so shoot a portal on the wall and another in the newly leaked white gel on the floor near you. Look on the ceiling above the blue gel. See that white gel up there? Shoot a portal on it and portal yourself up there. Now jump into the blue gel below which will allow you to jump high enough to reach the other side. Now you will find yourself in a room covered with red gel. Quickly run past the crushing structures. When you exit this room, look to your right and shoot a portal on the slanted panel. Go back to the previous room and shoot a portal on the wall in the distance (past the red gel). Run through the gel into the portal which will send you through the slanted panel and onto the catwalk above. Walk through the messy offices. When there is an option of going left or right, head right into the control room and hit the button. Now go through the left door. Head to the elevator. [7.5] - Area 05 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- This is the only test that had me stumped for quite a while. First, drop down into the area where all the white gel is. Keep this in mind for this test-- if you place a portal under the white gel dispenser and another somewhere else, the gel will propel ahead of that portal. So shoot a portal under the dispenser and another in the white gel itself. Coat the outside of the pit somewhere so that you can portal out of there. Now what you need to do is find the only two giant pillars in this room. Place the white gel so that it is coating these two pillars. To coat the inside of these pillars, keep placing portals on the pillars themselves once they have some white gel on them. Go back and forth between them until you reach the very top. Before you portal yourself up to the catwalk above, you will need to do one other thing. Find the slanted panel nearby and coat that with gel, as well as the area behind it. Now portal yourself up to the catwalk. Now that you are up there, go around the pillar and look down. Place a portal on the slanted panel and another in the area behind it. Use momentum to shoot out of the slanted panel. In this part, portal yourself up as high up the elevator shaft as you can. Keep doing so until you reach an elevator. Place a portal on the elevator floor and another on the a white floor panel below (walk around on the catwalk until you find it. Fall down and the momentum should allow you to reach a higher platform. Now shoot a portal on a floor panel on this higher platform, and another down in the elevator again. Jump down through the elevator portal, and while in mid air, shoot a portal on a nearby slanted wall so that when you fall back down you will shoot out of that portal. Walk through the door. [7.6] - Area 06 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- First, place a portal up high on a white pillar. Get up there using portals. Now look around you until you see a door surrounded by white walls. Above that is a slanted panel, so shoot a portal on that. Fall down and shoot a portal on the white floor below. You should now be up on a higher level. Look for the dripping blue gel. Once you find it, place a portal underneath it. Place it so it comes flying out of the slanted panel you just used moments ago. Now you will want to fall down and portal out of the slanted panel again--this time you will hit the blue gel, allowing you to go up even higher. There is a single white patch of floor up here. Shoot a portal there, and then fall down a level. Then, use momentum yet again to come out of the portal you just placed. This may seem useless, but trust me. Once you are high in the air, look out and shoot the floor on the next platform. Portal yourself there however you wish and head through the door. We have gel pumping in this room! First off, place a portal below the white gel. Move to the end of the room with the slanted wall piece, look above it and you'll see a white patch on the ceiling behind some fencing. Place your other portal here and coat the slanted panel. Now you need to create a runway of orange gel. Place a portal under the orange gel, and another on the vertical wall just below the slanted panel. What you need to do now is create two portals on the vertical wall--one on the wall itself, and the other on the slanted piece. Run through the speed gel, through the portals, and on to the next ledge. Up here, you will need to get another patch of blue gel to bounce off of following the first bit. Look down and shoot a portal under the white gel and place the exit portal on the white floor up here. Now, look up to where the newly formed white gel on the ceiling is--place a portal there, and the exit portal under the blue gel below. This will cause blue gel to drip from the ceiling. Now, go back down to the prior floor, and follow the steps to get up top again. This time around, you should hit the first patch of blue gel, skip to the next, and then over to the next little area. Go around the pillar and spot the white gel dripping. Shoot a portal there, and another up top through the mesh fencing. Portal yourself up there. In this part, Go to the room with all the gel pipes and find the slanted panel through the mesh fence. You will want white gel coming out of this portal-- it will coat the walls, allowing you to portal yourself up. Find the slanted wall so you can actually walk upwards without falling back down. Portal yourself through the fencing once you get to the top. Now you are in the pump station! Look up and find the high catwalk. It just runs between two doors that you can't move through. Portal up to it and move yourself to the broken edge. Fire a portal on the white patch of floor beneath you. Look a bit to the left to find a control room on the same level as you with Gel Pump Station written above it. On the wall opposite the control room there's a white patch, very high up. Place your exit portal there. Jump in and you should fly over to the control room. GLaDOS will tell you to look at the paradox poster, then push the button. Go back down and get on the lift. You have just completed Chapter 7! ~~~~~ CHAPTER 8: The Itch [C8] ~~~~~ [8.1] - Test Chamber 01 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Follow the catwalks into the glass room. Apparently, Wheatley has failed to create cubes with legs. Sad. ;( There is a small hole in the glass room next to the file cabinets. Portal yourself through this small hole. Walk along the catwalks to the lift. Continue to walk along the catwalks, then fall down and enter the door. Place one of these turret-cubes on the big red button and watch the events that ensue. After Wheatley is done talking, go through the door. Go up the stairs and on to your first Wheatley test! Obviously, because he is a moron, this test is super easy. Just hit the small red button so that the cube falls down on the big red button. Simply portal your way over to the exit. After Wheatley is done talking, you will have to do the same test again. After that, go through the real exit this time. [8.2] - Test Chamber 01 (Again) (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- In this chamber, you will be introduced to a new element--transfer beams. Jumping into one of these beams will allow you to travel inside of it. Now on to the test! First, jump into the transfer beam so that you go up a level. Hop out, shoot a portal on the ceiling that the beam is running into, then shoot the other portal on the lone tile that is right across the platform with the cube on it. This will make the transfer beam shoot out of this portal. Ride the beam again, going through your portals and on to the cube's platform. Grab the cube and drop down. Portal yourself down to the lower level with the cube in hand. Look up and find the big red button on the ceiling of this floor. What you need to do is shoot a portal on the floor beneath it, and have the transfer cube come out of this portal. It will send the cube to the big red button, and it will keep it there. Jump in the beam and ride it to the next floor, then head through the exit door. [8.3] - Test Chamber 02 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first thing you will do in this room is shoot a portal on the wall to your right. After that, jump down into the transfer beam. Shoot your other portal on the wall infront of you so that you transfer to the other side. As you are riding the beam, you will need to alter your direction. Look at the wall on the left of you and shoot your initial portal so that the beam will start sending you to the right. After this, shoot a portal on the checkered floor to send yourself up. Now you will need to get a cube up with you. Hit the small red button and use the exact same strategy to get it up there. Finally, place portals so the beam is hitting the big red button, then throw your cube in there. Head through the door. [8.4] - Test Chamber 03 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Wait until Wheatley moves the room close to you, then begin your test! First, you will want to get to the other side of the room. Get the transfer beam to come out of the wall near the exit door via portals, then head on over to the other side. Once over here, shoot a portal on the small white wall on the left side of the room. Make it so a transfer beam is coming out of this wall. Hit the small red button so that the cube falls down into the beam. When it runs into the wall, make the transfer beam come out of the wall across from you so that it brings the cube right to you. Once you have the cube in your hands, you need to get back to the side you was previously on. Make a portal so that the transfer beam is coming out of the left wall right beside the target sign. Jump to the other side. Once you are on this side, shoot a portal on the checkered floor below you. You will want it on the checkered floor panel closest to the ledge. Once you have a beam coming up from it, jump in the beam with your cube in hand. Once at the top, shoot a portal on the nearby wall and slightly below you. If you line it up right, you will go up the exit platform, and the cube will be hitting the big red button all at the same time. If done correctly, you can head through the door. [8.5] - Test Chamber 04 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first thing you need to do in this room is get rid of the turret. Use the transfer beam to send the turret into the pit behind it. After that, you will want to get that cube trapped in the beam over to you. Step on the big red button to change the beam to an orange color--this will suck in objects instead of blowing it out. Once the cube goes through the first portal, change that portal so that the beam is coming towards you. Now jump off the big red button. The cube should now come right over to you. Now place the cube on the big red button and hop in the beam so that you get over to the other side. Now, get the cube off the big red button by using the transfer beam. Once the beam is blue again, shoot the floor so that you can ride it up to the exit door. [8.6] - Test Chamber 05 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- First, get a transfer beam to come up through the island area in the middle of the room, and then hop on the launch pad. Once you ride the beam to the top, look ahead of you and shoot your exit portal on the slanted panel. You should have enough momentum to go through the slanted wall panel. Once you are up there, get the transfer beam to come through the island again. Press the small red button, and then use the previous strategy to get the cube over to you. Place the cube on the big red button and head through the door. [8.7] - Test Chamber 06 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first thing you need to do in this room is get a light bridge to stop the cube from going into the emancipation grill. Hit the small red button to shoot the cube out. Once it hits the bridge and falls down, go down there carefully and get the cube (block the turret fire with a light bridge). Once you have the cube, go through the light bridge portal and back up. Jump on the launch pad. See that you went too far? Make a light bridge so that it stops you above the catwalk. Try it again with your cube in hand. Success! Before you go too far on the catwalk, look down and shoot a bridge over the red lasers so you don't get shot up in the next little bit. Alright, continue forward and drop down with the cube. Place the cube on the big red button and then portal back up to the exit door. [8.8] - Test Chamber 11 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- This room seems a bit intimidating, but it isn't so bad if you know what you are doing. First, get a transfer beam to come out of the white floor panel between the launch pad and target panel. Jump in the beam, and when you hit the ceiling, shoot an exit portal on the slanted panel nearby. You should now be thrown over to the platform with a cube. Grab it and jump down. Next, go place the cube infront of the deadly laser beam below. Portal yourself back up. Next, place a portal on the slanted panel facing the transfer beam, and the other on the slanted panel painted with a bullseye. Jump on the launch pad, and it should send you to another location with another cube. Grab it and jump down. Replace the old cube with this one, and point the laser beam at the white wall. Portal up top. Shoot some portals so that the laser beam hits the receiver in the room. Once you have done that, place the first cube on the white platform between the launch pad and bullseye panel. Now, jump on the glass platform that has lowered in this room. Shoot the portal that the laser beam is going through away so that the platform raises. Next, get rid of that cube entirely by placing a portal on the floor below it. Now you will notice that the transfer beam is back in action! Shoot a portal on the ceiling of the transfer beam, and the other below the first cube you got. This will lower the next platform. Jump on that one, get rid of this cube, and ride the platform to the exit. [8.9] - Test Chamber 12 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- This room is also intimidating, just like the last one. Alright, first, get the laser to hit the bottom receiver on the area across from you. This will move the platform all the way to the left. Once it is over there, stop the laser and portal yourself to that platform. Get the platform moving again, and when it is half way past the deadly laser wall, stop it quickly. Now make the laser hit the receiver above the first one so that it turns off the deadly laser wall. Walk to the other side of the platform and get the platform moving again. Jump down and hit the standing red button. A cube will drop--try to get it to drop on the moving platform. Once it is on there, let the platform run close to the wall and then portal yourself above it, and drop down on the platform. Using the same idea as before, get the platform back over to where the standing red button is, but DON'T JUMP DOWN! Instead, have the laser now shoot out the wall towards you, then make the cube so that the laser reflects and hits the receiver above the exit door. Jump down and portal yourself back to the start. And don't worry, your cube will not have to be moved again. Get the laser to hit the cube again and it will still hit the receiver. Head through the door. [8.10] - Test Chamber 15 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- The first thing you will need in this test is a cube. Go hit the small button and a cube will fall on a platform. Stand on the big red button and shoot a portal so that the transfer beam takes the cube off the platform, then quickly shoot a portal on the wall across from you so that the cube doesn't fall into a pit. Once you have this, place the cube in the tiny glass room with the big red button. Orange gel is now falling! If you haven't figured it out, you need to coat the runway like you have previously. Stand on the big red button and make the beam come out of the wall so that the orange gel is carried down across the runway. Change the portal and make enough orange gel fall to coat the runway. Now take the cube out of the glass room and put it on the other red button. Go to the end of the runway and look to your right. You will need a transfer beam coming out of that white wall (try to get the portal closest to the right as you can). Once you have a transfer beam coming out of that portal, run and jump into the beam. If you did it correctly, it should send you right to the exit door! [8.11] - Test Chamber 16 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Once the floor crashes ahead of you, use the white gel to portal to the other side. Now that you are in the actual test chamber, go ahead and portal yourself on the distance platform. Get the transfer beam to come out of the wall above you so that when you hit the small red button for the blue gel, it will transfer it over to the previous platform. Before you take it over to the previous platform though, you need some on the platform you are on now, so do that. There is only one small area it can go on--the rest will go through the mesh. Now, start pumping the blue gel through the transfer beam, and then jump in it yourself. You will want to try and be ahead of the blue gel! Once you get over to the next side, jump off and quickly hit the big red button. This will change the direction of the beam. Once it goes through the first portal, look to your right. See those damn turrets? Well, you need the blue gel to destroy these buggers! So once it goes through the first portal, hop off the button and shoot a portal on the wall above the turrets (but make sure it isn't the portal that is allowing the transfer beam flow). This should allow the blue gel to start transferring out above the turrets. When the gel is above them, shoot your portal elsewhere so that the gel falls on the turrets, which will destroy them. Now hit the small red button that you can get to now that the turrets are gone. There is a slanted panel that forms out of the wall. Make a transfer beam come out of the floor. When you hit the ceiling, shoot an exit portal on the slanted panel. You will skip across to the next area! [8.12] - Test Chamber 17 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Whew, Wheatley tells you there is only two chambers left! So go ahead and start by jumping on the launch pad and...wait a minute! What the hell! Yes, Wheatley tricks you! Wait until you're on the platform to start your final chapter... ~~~~~ CHAPTER 9: The Part Where He Kills You [C9] ~~~~~ [9.1] - Area 01 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Think fast! Shoot a portal where the white gel is dripping, and another on the white spot above so that it shoots out on to the platform. Quickly portal over to that spot. Walk along the catwalk until you reach a dead end. Look down a shoot a portal down there, then look up and to the right and shoot a portal up there. Use momentum to get to the next area. Once Wheatley crushes the cube (poor thing!), the catwalk will be useless. Go back a little and shoot a portal on the nearby white wall, and another way up high above of the catwalk. Portal yourself out and down, and head through the door. [9.2] - Area 02 (Video - Coming soon!) ---------------------- Once the wall has blocked your path, portal yourself above your current location. Once you are in this room, you will be surrounded by turrets! But don't worry, these guys are harmless. Continue through the door and drop down. Once you are in the next room, there will be some turrets that WILL be harmful. Carefully look in the room with the turrets and shoot a portal on the wall with the transfer beam. Then, shoot another portal behind the turrets so that they are sent out of the room and to their doom. Next, jump in the same beam and let it carry you to the next room. Have this transfer beam shoot out the door, and then jump in it. Before Wheatley has you killed, shoot a portal on the wall infront of you so that you fall down and ride to the other side. Head through the door. In this room, wait for the blue gel to fly everywhere, then jump across the broken catwalk with it. Shoot a portal on the nearby wall, and another in the small room directly above you and to the right of the first corner you turn. Once in here, step on the big red button. What you want to do is get the blue gel to hit the turrets behind you, so do that by using portals. After they are taken out, shoot a portal on the slanted wall facing the launch pad and get over there. Hop on the launch pad and continue to the exit door. [9.3] - Area 03 (Video - Coming soon!) --------------------- First, shoot a portal on the wall above the red button in this room. Then, shoot a portal through the broken window out to the white floor. Hit the button and watch the bombs fall. Make sure you have your portal under these! It will send the bombs to your room, breaking the white gel piping. Now you can portal yourself out of this room. Run around the corner and find the next door. Start walking up the conveyor belt until Wheatley tries to kill you, yet again. Turn around and jump to the left, avoiding the deadly clomping machine. Hit the button found here. You need these bombs to break the orange gel pipe, just like in the room before. Once you have done that, place a portal where the orange gel is pouring out into, and another on the wall of the conveyor belt. Now you can run up the belt, through the portal and on to your next room. In this room, have the orange gel come out of the narrow hallway. After that is coated, place another portal underneath the blue transfer beam. Run through the portal and up into the beam. Ride it to the next room. Portal up through the mesh. Get ready, because IT'S FINAL BOSS TIME! [9.4] - Final Boss Fight (Video - Coming soon!) --------------------- Portal yourself way up into the next room. You will walk by some corrupted cores--this will be Wheatley's downfall! Place GLaDOS into the machinery, and ride up to your final test. Wheatley will brag about being smarter then GLaDOS by taking portal surfaces away, but he didn't count on some white gel! When he starts throwing bombs at you, make him hit the white gel pipe. The white gel will now pour out everywhere! Success! He will continue to throw bombs at you, so what you need to do is make a portal on the floor near you and on the panels up high. You need to have the bombs go through the floor and then through the panels behind him, which will bust him up good. GlaDOS will now give you your first corrupted core. Portal up to the catwalk and grab him. After this happens, the blue gel will pour out a bit. Use it to jump up to Wheatley and attach the first core on him. Now he will bring out more shields! Luckily, it still isn't too tough to get around. Use the same strategy as before until you hit him with his own bomb. Once he is down, GLaDOS will bring you your second core. He is swinging back and forth on a catwalk. Portal up there, jump into the blue gel and grab him at the right moment. Jump up to the right of Wheatley to attach the second core. Alright, only one left! Do the same thing as before to hit him with another bomb (yeah, this boss battle is unfortunately kind of weak :/). Once you have done so, your final core is available. The way you reach him this time around is by placing a portal below him, and another on the wall to which the orange gel is now next to. Run on the orange gel, through the portals, and grab the core. Jump up to Wheatley to take him down once and for all! Or is it... I'm not going to spoil the next part for you, because it is a great ending. It's very easy to figure out so just enjoy it! CONGRATULATIONS! You just beat Portal 2!