X3: Terran Conflict Message Board  STATUS: RETIRED - Trainers are no longer being created or updated by our staff for this title.

We currently don't have any X3: Terran Conflict trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
X3: Terran Conflict Trainer
Message Board for PC version
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Update 2.0a
  • Send a message to bobbysue
    bobbysue posted on Apr 05, 2009 4:42:10 AM - Report post

    Egosoft released a new patch, v. 2.0a
    Rather hefty sized 197MB

    Link to donwload location, also in torrents:

    Steam users need to wait more but I suppose it'll be out tomorrow.



    New Features and Improvements:

    - The Aldrin Expansion Missions
    - New Terran factories available to the player
    - A new ship variation, the USC Baldric Miner
    - Additional support for computers with more than 2GB RAM
    - An elusive Yaki shipyard added to the universe
    - Keris Production Complex added to the universe
    - Advanced Drone Factories available to the player
    - Advanced Drone Factories and Drone Production Complexes added to the universe
    - New Experimental Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon Factory added to the universe
    - Drone Production Complexes renamed to Drone Factories
    - Station production information now available at shipyards
    - OTAS Sirokos available at the corporation shipyard after successful employment
    - Kills by player owned ships now counted during several fight missions
    - Build mission rewards rebalanced
    - Increased chance of the Destroy Convoy mission
    - Improved station building cutscenes


    - Fixed occasional crash when traveling through HUB gate
    - Fixed ships being moved far away from the HUB
    - Find Headquarters mission fixed
    - Strong Arm Corporation mission offer fixed
    - Homebase reset for ships in return ship missions
    - Boreas laser generator reduced
    - Various exploits fixed
    - Mobile mining efficiency balanced
    - Ship approach during boarding improved
    - Several script fixes including the Universal Trader
    - Corrected property menu filters and improved layout
    - Fixed AI giving commands to captured or boarded ships
    - Re-activated idle ships belonging to Orbital Weapon Platforms
    - Several stations, including Terran stations, now rebuilt after being destroyed
    - Several ****pit and turret positions improved
    - Disabled erroneous rotations of towed stations
    - Towed ship now follows lead ship through gates


    That is all.

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