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C&C RA 2000'2008 Series Long Topic
  • Send a message to Shavako
    Shavako posted on Oct 31, 2008 9:12:47 AM - Report post
    **Warning very long and worded by debate from when writing leaving many paragraphs with various PoV's & general opinions about blizzard 90's/ea '08 series and the consequences with variables on multiple subjects surrounding c&c, warcraft, diablo, and RA.**

    So has anyone something to say for the story/scripts/play of recent RA's RA2-3 from the original RA from the 90's?

    EA Sure did screw up c&c generals I know c&c tiberium wars and c&c RA series differ but wow generals had no comparison. Ok RA is unique as much as tiberium wars but generals is like a replica of modern toy soldiers and tanks. There wasnt anything unique that wasnt already seen or heard of. C&C is known for aweswome realities from our own RA cold war/tiberium wars was based on tiberium which fell from space. All could very well happen but didnt in real life and c&c says ok so what if this happened and changed history. Generals didn't have the platter c&c series were carried on. The respect they shown the series which had always brought creative alternate realities a huge disrespect to its fans and reputation. I never liked EA I always pictured them as sports game designers then they opened their horizons by getting advice from legendary comp. they bought out instead of getting behind.

    EA are greedy & destructive towards game legends which in turn is just as or even more to the fans that gave c&c a beating heart that beats to this very day with the great titles such as ra, ra exp, original c&c and its standalone tiberium wars, even branching off to starcraft, diablo, and of course the first blizz game to become hugely popular warcraft, which I loved playing as a child and even more so warcraft 2.

    All of these titles are famous in redfining into such multi genres as rts/rpg/hack n slash/strategy/rpg (combining genres were best done with blizzard IMO) etc... basicaly the whole features seen in todays gaming design & production. Generaly todays famous titles in the gaming industry have features which originaly came from blizzards famous titles. The long & playable stories that always had seems connecting each act/level together with history making videos that gave games history and gave realness to the games story, which opened a connection towards players allowing worlds to be experienced in-game with multiple characters seen in the videos making them most appealing. "Theatrical Cinematics" were expressed in c&c series making c&c unique from warcraft or other titles published by blizzard. They were so huge in both the playwright & features that it made c&c what it is today a gaming with interactivity towards its series of famous videos that show up before & after each mission. Recently the videos in c&c series are cast with such infamous legends as the gay asian in star trek. Starship Troopers had an actor who played as the general or commander in the most recent c&c tiberium title. Along with many others who are widely known throughout the world as talented actors starring in B movies a few A movies. So this time around c&c is getting more familiar even though EA runs the show which looked like disaster for blizzards reptuable games when generals hit the market. So now i've explained my interest & devotion to blizzard and their excellent titles. I hope from reading this you learn a few things about the series that you didnt already know or felt. Now then my final statement is RA3's Tanya and other star roles are extremely important to long time fans who know "BLIZZARDS" series of titles and enjoyed each one to the final mission & its final act.

    WoW would'nt be around if it werent for warcrafts creative story & cast of characters that lead to warcraft 2 and so on. If EA doesnt get the decor just right it then the party wont be half as fun without this decoration or feature. Its easy to follow but difficult to lead and EA is following Blizzards design in their indivdually different but uniquely the same as they were 10yrs ago, which is great. If you cant do good redefining greatness then do nothing at all. Complications to that statement exist that perhaps there wont be a game blizzard produces giving new outlook or just maybe a new form of genre/multi genre production technique that blizzard used for warcraft in order to make a title with more features adding something appealing that really takes and eventually directs games into a better genre of rts/rpg etc...

    Sadisticly speaking no game besides open gaming sandbox of either the rpg genre or fps genre is being redesigned. Very straightforward thinking that follows publishers goal for finishing on time in order to meet deadline and start the moneytrain to payoff the loss plus interest xmillions sitting ontop the greenhill of financial security that determines productivity with strict rules for effiancy towards everything that makes a game effeciantly without consuming resources to the point of trashing the project which would sink the staff earnings to a negative number that could possible force the company to sell out. Meaning you lose everything + expenses an example would be paying the crew for the check you owe them even if the game failed to publish among other things. So its getting up dust self off reconcile decide goto start all over again with a new proffesion or finishing your dream for the game you so desperately envisioned to create or go back to University learn another tech in the gaming ind. all in all it costs loads from start to finish that is if everything goes smoothly. During 90's games werent as much not as popular plus they werent as advance as todays games. So EA possible doomed or aided either way its their call which scares me. Its best the series stays alive in any state then demolishing the continuation for last games cliff hanger even if it isnt the exact same in every way.
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    Send a message to neok182
    neok182 posted on Oct 31, 2008 12:22:51 PM - Report post
    why compare it to Blizzard? it's an RTS it's not going to change.

    All EA did was kill the storytelling and creative genius of Westwood (who made all the command and conquers up to Generals). Generals was a good game on it's own but didn't deserve the C&C branding.

    C&C3 was good. it had a good storyline and everything was great.

    Red Alert 3, well. it's red alert so that gives it points. some of the redesigned units look terrible. the new voices suck and i hope someone makes a mod turning them all into the voices of Red Alert 2 like they were in the beta.

    EA renewed trust with C&C3. and now they've lost it a bit with Red Alert.

    But nothing really matters because EA owns it and they aren't getting rid of it anytime soon.

    What really needs to happen is EA needs to stop forcing their ideas onto developers and stop rushing games out in 1-2 years.
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    Send a message to phobos_9
    phobos_9 posted on Oct 31, 2008 1:30:03 PM - Report post
    westwood and blizzard were very much alike. both were dedicated to game quality instead of quantity and both recognized the importance of the gaming community's respect.

    cnc3 was good, but felt "watered down" compared to tiberian sun, but i did like how the storyline unfolded. where before either one faction won or the other, depending on which one you chose to play as, in cnc3 all 3 factions "won". it was the same series of events, just told from 3 different points of view. unfortuantely, thats about the only solid "plus" that i'll give them for the game.

    [Edited by phobos_9, 10/31/2008 1:32:03 PM]
    Power does not corrupt, corruption comes from within.
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    Send a message to Sky_1185
    Sky_1185 posted on Nov 01, 2008 1:56:42 AM - Report post
    At least blizzard has the resources of Activision supporting them now. Their games should be even more amazing now with such a huge company at their side.

    Unlike Activision, which kept Blizzard alive and left them alone after buying them out, EA decided to ditch westwood and do whatever they wanted to with C&C and RA. Still good games mind you.

    [Edited by Sky_1185, 11/1/2008 1:58:44 AM]
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    Send a message to NRPT
    NRPT posted on Nov 01, 2008 6:44:27 AM - Report post
    don't get me wrong i like what blizzard did with rts's it gave it a bit more character- but nothing in my opinion can ever or will ever match C&C in the genre, they are well thought out amazing storylines for games and they put so much effort into each one its almost unbeleivable.

    i own all of the pc series games and i still enjoy the old ones as well as the new ones, unlike many games nowadays its a challenge which i do enjoy. I was disappointed with generals as it was the first ea had made, but it was still a good game although it didn't live up to my expectations. C&C also has what many of the warcrafts lack repeatability, i can go back and play the same level and do it in a different way every time, no two levels are the same and to me aside from the new games the three red alerts have been my favorite.
    as you stand, gun in hand, ready for the attack. The calm before the storm is broken...BANG...headshot from a sniper.
    I wait in darkness until the opertunity arrives- picking my timing and position, seeing the whites in your eyes before the trigger is pulled and life fades from my opponents.
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