Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Trainer is now available for version 2.65.2 BUILD 1837 and supports STEAM. Our Sacred 2: Fallen Angel message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Trainer
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Thx for the good trainer. but 1 problem
  • Send a message to darkneo09
    darkneo09 posted on Oct 19, 2008 9:06:02 PM - Report post
    Hello, first thank you for the good trainer.
    now ich have a question. At the file sacred2/script/server are an file names balance.txt, now i have found at the internet this.

    server selber modden für sp, lan, open net

    anleitung wie man die dropchance von items, runen, gold, tränke, craft material ändern!!
    und händler die uniques verkaufen ins spiel bringen:

    open the file "balance.txt" at your directory "c:\programme\sacred 2 falen angel\scripts\server\" with your notepad

    search for "local beValues"


    local beValues = {
    NORMAL_STANDARD = 350, (chance items normaler gegner)
    NORMAL_RUNE = 15, (chance runen normaler gegner)
    CHAMP_STANDARD = 700, (chance items champion gegner)
    CHAMP_RUNE = 45, (chance runen champion gegner)
    BOSS_STANDARD = 1000, (chance items boss gegner)
    BOSS_RUNE = 600, (chance runen boss gegner)
    EXTRAGOLD = 0, (chance extra gold)
    EXTRAPOTION =0, (chance extra tränke)
    EXTRARUNE = 0, (chance extra runen)
    Trader_Item = 2300, (chance items beim händler)
    Trader_Many = 10000, (chance items angebot händler)
    Trader_SpecialOffer = 0, (chance spezial angebote bei händler)
    Well_Potion = 1000, (chance bessere tränke)
    QUEST_UNIQUE = 0, (chance unique von quest)
    SUBFAMDROP_LOWCHANCE = 10, (chance lowlvl rohstoffe)
    SUBFAMDROP_HIGHCHANCE = 100, (chance highlvl rohstoffe)

    who wants to buy some rare items at merchant change this.

    TraderOfferUpperRareBase = 6,
    TraderMaxCount = 10,

    my question is now, how must i change this to get some green stuff.

    [Edited by darkneo09, 10/19/2008 9:06:59 PM]
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