Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) Message Board  

We currently don't have any Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Use our message board to discuss the game.
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) Trainer
Message Board for XBox 360 version
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  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to mbax1234
    mbax1234 posted on Jul 03, 2008 2:55:33 PM - Report post
    Ok idk if any ones going to agree with me but ...

    They should of :
    -Kept the vehicle customizing
    -focused on details ( going into buildings, exc)
    -more weapons(50 cal sniper,exc )
    -Moding weapons(yea people do it)
    -customizing your charicter(clothes, face, hair, exc)
    -Police more stars you get more force they use ( NO MILITARY THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN , now maybe on the 6th star u get the FBI or S.W.A.T. ?)
    -Story lines are fine the way they are but, when you finnish the game... and you do everything , IT GETS BORING witch im at right now. i mean the games great , graphics everything... but its so limited to what you can do , IV BEEN GETING CARS AND GOING OFF SKYSCRAPERS IM SO BORED
    -The damage is great , and the new engine too

    they should weaken the physical structure of vehicles yet have there performance the same cause if i were to drive a car into a pole, Id have this huge indent in my front with the game you have a tiny indent . i dont know if any one will agree with me but thats what i think they should do ... but thats me

    [Edited by mbax1234, 7/3/2008 3:02:30 PM]
  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Jul 03, 2008 5:29:38 PM - Report post
    I agree that car customizing would be good but don't really care if they do or not.

    Details like going into buildings don't make the game better and would take up tons of space on the disc, I don't know if it'd be possible without taking other things out so I'll say forget about it just to be safe.

    A 50 caliber sniper rifle is illegal to the point where only the military, other enforcement agencies and some gun shops can only get it. It's a HUGE weapon and there's no way Niko could get one, let alone fire it without tearing his shoulder off or lying down and shooting. Either way it wouldn't work.

    Modding weapons is just like getting a 50 cal rifle, criminals RARELY use modified weapons (silencers, scopes, etc) so it wouldn't be a realistic experience.

    Customizing our character doesn't make the game better, it makes it worse. Look at Saint's Row, you can choose what your guy looks like, but because of that the story sucks. In GTA you get a character and the story is made for him, once you can choose your own characters, the story has to be a generic one, that makes a very boring game.

    You already get the FBI, they're called the FIB in the game. They're the ones in the black Buffalos (Dodge Charger) and the giant black vans. There is no military in this game either.

    As far as damage, it'll get there eventually. The damage in GTA IV is the best that they can give us right now. Eventually as consoles get more powerful and game discs become better an larger (capacity, not actual size) we'll have that kind of damage.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to mbax1234
    mbax1234 posted on Jul 04, 2008 7:16:00 PM - Report post
    yea but it would add to more things you can do...
    cause right now i beat the game 3 times

    and yea your right about he 50 cal sniper i just ment more weapons lol

    think about if they redid san andreas or vice city with the new engine ?

    that would look amazing especaly how big San andreas is
  • Send a message to SuperSkyline89
    SuperSkyline89 posted on Jul 05, 2008 11:35:06 AM - Report post
    "yea but it would add to more things you can do... "

    If all the buildings had interiors and you could go in them it would take up an insane amount of disc space, leaving less of it for the important things. So you'd have "more things to do" . . . but the missions wouldn't be as good and other more important things would be missing.

    And if you could modify your character the game would be horrible storyline-wise. Ever noticed they never say your name in Saint's Row? That's because you can choose if your guy is Black, White, or Mexican, there's no name that they can all have. Ever notice that you don't have any interesting life story to tell in Saint's Row? Same reason. Or how about no personal end game, like Niko getting revenge? Same reason.

    So ya, you'll have more to do, but the game will suck.
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