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Halo 2 Trainer
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  Play as a hunter
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to maddog56
    maddog56 posted on Nov 02, 2006 10:06:43 PM - Report post
    This takes a long time to do.Set the xbox clock to 3:13 pm and set the date to 13th day of December, 2013.Then create a new profile named hunterkiller798 and make him with pink armor.Everything else about the guy must be left the same. Then go to the multiplayer level ivory tower and destroy all the benches with a sword.Then destroy all of the exploding barrels with grenades.Then swap your sword for a
    rocket launcher you cant just pick up a rocket launcher
    you HAVE to swap it for the sword. then stand right over where the overshield spawns and shoot straight down until you kill yourself.When you respawn,exit the game.Then go to settings and create a slayer game variant called hunters leave all the settings the same, but make the starting weapon an energy sword, and the heavy vehicle a wraith.Then play hunters on headlong and shoot warthog ad with the wraith five times.Then get out of the wraith,and
    kill yourself by hitting an exploding barrel with your starting sword.It must be your starting sword.When you respawn, leave the game.Now go to the campaign and play through on any difficulty until you reach the level outskirts.Its the fourth level.The game starts the level
    immediately,so exit as soon as it starts up.If you dont, everything you've done will be ruined.Okay,now play outskirts on legendary.After master chief gets his focus back,run through the first two doors,killing the first grunt with a melee attack.If he gets outside before you kill him, start the level over and try again.Now, when you're outside, run all the way to the right, take a
    quarter turn to the left so you facing some jackals and run along the wall until the first door to the left. if you die at all during the level, you MUST start over. go through the door and if you turn to the left you will see a dirt mound against a wall. stand on it and crouch jump until you reach the top of the wall (it may take a few tries).Then jump to the ledge on the other side of
    the wall as you when you jumped up when you're up there, keep jumping around the roofs until you find a big sign that says hotel zanzibar.Jump down, kill everything (including the marines) and go through the hotel.
    now just play through the level like normal, but if you die at all you must start over. when the next level comes, play through it like normal but still dont die and dont use the tank.Then finish the whole campaign like normal on any difficulty after the ending you will have unlocked
    a new level: Hunters.The level description says:The hunters are on a rampage!You get to play as a hunter, roaming endlessly around the city from the New Mombassa levels. you get to kill marines, covenent, brutes, all the vehicles, but no flood.
    Halo 1? 2? 3? Hmmmm? I should make a game called

    Circle: Combat Solved or Circle 2 and Circle 3
  • Send a message to Cyborg
    Cyborg posted on Nov 03, 2006 8:15:14 AM - Report post

    No wait mistype i don't believe it. Because Halo 2 has no cheats. Nice try man. Really, nearly almost had me.
  • Send a message to EternalSlayer
    EternalSlayer posted on Nov 03, 2006 10:06:36 AM - Report post
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