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Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events Trainer
Message Board for PlayStation 2 version
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Here's some Henchmen/Crab help.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to octoberkurt
    octoberkurt posted on Mar 08, 2006 4:49:51 PM - Report post
    We played Xbox version and found these techniques worked very well, once we figured out how to do it. All 4 keys, X-Y-B-A can be used at same time by drumming two whole fingers over them to create an onslaught. The peppermints shoot out MUCH faster this way and you can really send a ton of them flying at one time. It was easier once we found a good way to hold the controller to get the right finger action. My 10 year old daughter couldn't do it as quick as I could (I'm 49), but she got a LOT further than she had before we discovered the trick. Some other tips: There are 10 scenes you have to complete to get past these guys. (The last one has 3 or 4 on a balcony. The last guy comes out of a doorway up there. These guys are just after the second, faster wave of crabs.) Hit the fat guys three or four times to kill. Hit the cheese-throwers BEFORE the fish-throwers. Keep firing with all keys even as the camera moves to the next scene. This way you can kill some before they even throw anything. If you get past the scene with the 2 close-up guys (about half-way through) with a minimum of health lost, you have a good chance of going all the way. Also...it DOES help to shoot down what they throw before you go after them, but go after the cheese-throwers FIRST cuz they throw more rapidly the longer they are around. You don't have to be dead-on to hit what they throw, just somewhat close, but aiming high helps. Some guys can be killed by finding a red target on the wall they are hiding behind. The crabs are a pain in the neck, but they do minimal damage..just keep FIRING and keep the sight moving. Think Machine-gun and NOT pistol. There's probably 40 henchmen and maybe 20 or so crabs to kill, but it CAN be DONE! Be aggressive, keep moving, look for red, and keep those two fingers drumming HARD on all 4 keys! Hey! You can always pause the game for a breather right in the middle of the action if your fingers get tired.
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