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Feedback and question for mods!
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to XxGrinder323xX
    TIER 7
    XxGrinder323xX posted on Aug 31, 2020 9:17:26 PM - Report post
    Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask the mods a question and provide some general feedback as a new user (I just purchased a lifetime membership yesterday).

    QUESTION: Is it possible for me to maintain being a responsible human being while removing Norton antivirus from all my devices and turning this pc into a cesspool of key loggers and crypto-miners lol?
    I used to and still occasional write cheats, I came to cheat happens because I am a full time pre-med student and dont have time to write my own cheats anymore. The point is I understand how cheats are written and that when Norton flags them it is technically doing what it is supposed to (I know cheats are technically malicious code, but are in no way harmful to a pc). However, lets face it, Norton is an annoying program and I think I would be better off with a stolen identity than this obnoxious anti virus :P (I have already added my trainer folder as an exclusion this is just a joke about Norton).

    FEEDBACK: On to the important stuff. You're guys trainers are awesome. As I have mentioned, I am familiar with the work that goes into writing cheats and even more so I am familiar with the compatibility issues that you can run into when writing cheats. That my friends is what has impressed me, or the few trainers I have used yesterday and today, there were no compatibility issues what so ever. everything worked and no games crashed ! Props to you guys for being awesome. I will definitely be recommending you guys to friends. Keep up the good work.

    SUGGESTIONS: I like your trainers and I like your website the only two recommendations I would make are a slightly lower lifetime price (with more benefits for lifetime plus), I feel like $80 is more reasonable than $100 and dropping the price while pushing the plus option makes more sense to me (I'm a pre-med major not business so remember my opinion is neither here nor there). My second recommendation would be a better voting system for new trainers. I feel as though the system is rather limited and future changes could be made to make it more enticing for members to participate (this is an opinion from an initial observation of the system, if it works well for everyone and I am mistaken ignore this suggestion).

    TL;DR: Norton anti virus sucks, You guys rock, I have arbitrary suggestions.

    Thanks for the hard work guys,

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