Man O´ War: Corsair Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Man O´ War: Corsair Trainer is now available for version 1.4.4 and supports STEAM. Our Man O´ War: Corsair message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Man O´ War: Corsair Trainer
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  Man O´ War: Corsair Trainer
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on May 07, 2016 6:42:31 AM - Report post

    Options (Trainer)

    NumPad1: Infinite Ship Health
    NumPad2: Change Gold By 500
    NumPad3: Change Fame By 50
    NumPad4: Change Skill Points By 5
    NumPad5: Super Ship Speed

    Options (Editor)

    Edit: Gold
    Edit: Faction
    Edit: Gender
    Edit: Skin Colour
    Edit: Char Primary Colour
    Edit: Char Secondary Colour
    Edit: Crew Primary Colour
    Edit: Crew Secondary Colour
    Edit: Prosperity
    Edit: Total Time Played
    Edit: Total Real Time Played
    Edit: Lifetime Trade Balance
    Edit: Difficulty Level
    Edit: Faction
    Edit: Current Movement Index
    Edit: Is Turning
    Edit: Steering Direction
    Edit: Forward Throttle
    Edit: Strafe Throttle
    Edit: Immobilised Throttle
    Edit: Unfavourable Sailing
    Edit: Recoil Time
    Edit: Recoil Timer
    Edit: Recoil
    Edit: Is Grounded
    Edit: Is Pushing Off Land
    Edit: Distance Pushed Off
    Edit: Push Off Angle
    Edit: Push Off Direction
    Edit: Sunk
    Edit: Should Disperse
    Edit: Water Wheel Speed
    Edit: Random Speed Timer
    Edit: Random Speed Multiplier
    Edit: Ramming
    Edit: Do Not Ram
    Edit: Last Damage Time
    Edit: Surrendered
    Edit: Tilt Angle
    Edit: Time Elapsed Since Aggressors Attack
    Edit: Boarding Connected
    Edit: Attached First
    Edit: Boarding Direction
    Edit: Global Update Timer
    Edit: Gold
    Edit: Docking Area Index
    Edit: Lamps Lit
    Edit: Lighting Timer
    Edit: Boarding Elapsed Duration
    Edit: Boarding Action Timer
    Edit: Is Submarine
    Edit: Submarine State
    Edit: Target Depth
    Edit: Submerge Timer
    Edit: Undock Time
    Edit: Sinking Timer
    Edit: Grounded Decay Timer
    Edit: Controlled
    Edit: Cheer Trigger
    Edit: Missed Shot
    Edit: Cheer Timer
    Edit: Origin Faction
    Edit: Point Value
    Edit: Max Crew
    Edit: Last In Combat
    Edit: Has Ram
    Edit: Has Drill
    Edit: Ram Save Modifier
    Edit: Instant Acceleration
    Edit: Enable Character Animations
    Edit: Immobilised
    Edit: Weapons Disabled
    Edit: Break Off Disabled
    Edit: Bonus To Boarding
    Edit: Bonus Wind Move
    Edit: Bonus Move
    Edit: Reflects Spells
    Edit: Bonus Boarding Distance
    Edit: Boarding Disabled
    Edit: Ramming Disabled
    Edit: Becalmed
    Edit: Passes Through Obstacles
    Edit: Magic Disabled
    Edit: Saving Throw Bonus
    Edit: Cannot Be Targeted
    Edit: General Movement Speed Multiplier
    Edit: Status Effect Movement Speed Multiplier
    Edit: Reload Speed Multiplier
    Edit: Fights For Enemy
    Edit: Madness Faction
    Edit: Fires All Weapons
    Edit: Surrenders On Boarding
    Edit: Only Damages Player
    Edit: Accuracy Bonus
    Edit: Ability Boarding Bonus
    Edit: Death Frenzied
    Edit: Death Frenzy Timer
    Edit: Perm Saving Throw Bonus
    Edit: Perm Saving Throw Bonus Low
    Edit: Perm Movement Speed Bonus
    Edit: Perm Boarding Bonus
    Edit: Firepumps
    Edit: Num Upgrade Slots
    Edit: Relative Wind Direction
    Edit: Current Boarding Score
    Edit: Loaded Nav Target
    Edit: Loaded Nav Target Direction
    Edit: Loaded Nav Waypoint
    Edit: Crew Models Loaded
    Edit: Crew Visible
    Edit: Nav Target
    Edit: Stopped
    Edit: Global Nav Target
    Edit: Current Tilt
    Edit: Tilt Inverse
    Edit: Non Monster Tilt
    Edit: Tilt Start Time
    Edit: Tilt Towards
    Edit: Straight Movement Distance
    Edit: Turn Amount
    Edit: Dropped Cargo
    Edit: Ignore Wind Amount
    Edit: Facing Wind Angle
    Edit: With Wind Angle
    Edit: Last Wind Whine
    Edit: Facing Wind Direction Proportion
    Edit: With Wind Proportion
    Edit: Wind Boost
    Edit: Snapped Masts
    Edit: Geometry Hidden
    Edit: Boarding Idle Timeout
    Edit: Lookout Range
    Edit: Lookout Timer
    Edit: Unquestionable
    Edit: Lantern Cooldown
    Edit: Last Lantern Spawn
    Edit: Last Explosion Sound Time
    Edit: Last Impact Sound Time
    Edit: Splinter Fade
    Edit: Blood Fade
    Edit: Is Boarding Attacker
    Edit: Is Boarding
    Edit: Capacity
    Edit: Fame
    Edit: Infamy
    Edit: Gunnery
    Edit: Ship Control
    Edit: Leadership
    Edit: Boarding Bonus
    Edit: Gun Reload Speed Multiplier
    Edit: Gun Damage Multiplier
    Edit: Facing Wind Angle Bonus
    Edit: With Wind Angle Bonus
    Edit: DefinitionI D
    Edit: Def Applied
    Edit: Loyalty
    Edit: Bravery
    Edit: Obedience
    Edit: Reaction Time
    Edit: Looting Preference
    Edit: Hit And Run Preference
    Edit: Long Range Preference
    Edit: Short Range Preference
    Edit: Ram Preference
    Edit: Boarding Preference
    Edit: Skill Points


    The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
    The trainer does not work on Vista or older.

    [Edited by PWizard, 7/9/2016 5:13:36 PM]

    [Edited by PWizard, 4/5/2017 7:33:18 PM]

    [Edited by PWizard, 4/7/2017 1:43:58 PM]

    Chris O'Rorke (
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
    One Bad-Ass MF
    Visit for the best AIDA64 custom skins around.
  • Send a message to jarvawolf1
    jarvawolf1 posted on May 07, 2016 7:51:13 AM - Report post
    Oh dear i think i just fell in love again with you all that is freaking epic i hope you all continue the good work and dont burn out with this as its not on full release yet 😀
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to HUN_bullseye
    HUN_bullseye posted on May 07, 2016 11:29:00 AM - Report post
    Thank you guys! And thanks for anyone who spent points on the request!
  • Send a message to Varacka
    Varacka posted on May 22, 2016 8:34:42 PM - Report post
    Oh dear insertdeityhere... You guys have gone completely overboard with the options this time. I can't tell if I should hug you or kiss you for this so I'll settle with a thank you.
  • Current rank: 1 Star. Next Rank at 100 Posts.
    Send a message to deadvooo
    deadvooo posted on Jun 17, 2016 1:19:36 AM - Report post

    [10:17:40 PM] An error occured on checking game compatibility: A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
    [10:18:25 PM] This trainer is running as 32bit process and cannot access the game's process which running as 64bit process.
    Is there any way I can change it to 64 bit process or changed game to 32 bit process?
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to KINGPIN
    TIER 7
    KINGPIN posted on Jul 07, 2016 8:03:34 AM - Report post
    I have the same issue with the trainer and the game running in 32 bit and 64 bit. Is there any way to modify the trainer so it is compatible with 32 and 64 bit versions?
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to Boubba
    TIER 7
    Boubba posted on Jul 07, 2016 3:36:03 PM - Report post
    Alright, I have the game up to date, I downloaded the latest Trainer 0.3.3. As always, run in Administrator mode, no Antivirus on, trainer gets recognized when I hit F1, but no option work and the editor do not detect any value.

    Tried the infinte ship health, didn't work, took damage. Tried the add Gold, no Gold was added. Tried again after buying some items to change the value of the Gold owned, no change also when I hit NUM 2.

  • Site Support
    Send a message to DragonStryder
    DragonStryder posted on Jul 09, 2016 9:28:35 AM - Report post
    originally posted by Boubba

    Alright, I have the game up to date, I downloaded the latest Trainer 0.3.3. As always, run in Administrator mode, no Antivirus on, trainer gets recognized when I hit F1, but no option work and the editor do not detect any value.

    Tried the infinte ship health, didn't work, took damage. Tried the add Gold, no Gold was added. Tried again after buying some items to change the value of the Gold owned, no change also when I hit NUM 2.

    same thing here

    CheatHappens Lead Help Desk & Support Engineer.
    CheatHappens Trainer Monkeys Project Lead.
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