Mass Effect 3 Message Board  STATUS: ACTIVE - Trainers are still being considered and updated for this title as patches are released. There is no guarantee that a trainer can be made or updated but it will be reviewed by our staff.

Our Mass Effect 3 Trainer is now available for version 06.28.2020 and supports STEAM, ORIGIN. Our Mass Effect 3 message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
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    Mass Effect 3 Cheats
  • Tier 7
    Send a message to PWizard
    TIER 7
    PWizard posted on Mar 29, 2012 2:54:16 PM - Report post


    Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
    Numpad 2: Unlimited Squad Health
    Numpad 3: Easy Kills
    Numpad 4: Unlimited Shield
    Numpad 5: Unlimited Ammo
    Numpad 6: No Reload
    Numpad 7: Accuracy
    Numpad 8: Recoil
    Numpad 9: Rapid Burst
    F10 key: Select Player
    F11 key: Select Squad Member 1
    F12 key: Select Squad Member 2
    Numpad 0: Affect Squad Points
    Numpad /: Affect Level
    Numpad +: Increase
    Numpad -: Decrease
    Numpad *: Cooldowns
    [ key: Add Credits
    ] key: Medkits
    \ key: Grenades
    ; key: Paragon
    ' key: Renegade
    O key: Unlimited Fuel
    P key: Fast Space Travel
    L key: Unlimited Scans / Reset Alert
    K key: Massive War Assets


    Numpad 1: Unlimited Health - affects your unit only

    Numpad 2: Unlimited Squad Health - affects entire party

    Numpad 3: Easy Kills - may not work with all units and may
    effect 'some' friendlies. Enemy units health will be
    lower than normal and easy to kill. You may still have
    to take out their shields.

    Numpad 4: Unlimited Shield - affects your unit only.

    Numpad 5: Unlimited Ammo - you always have 999 ammo. Note some
    scripted events require you to run out of ammo.

    Numpad 6: No Reload - you never have to reload most weapons.
    Note some scripted events require you to run out of ammo.

    Numpad 7: Accuracy - press key and current weapon will have improved
    accuracy. May not work with all weapons. This will remain
    in place until you have a cutscene or load in a saved game.
    Swapping guns, you may have to do this for each weapon.

    Numpad 8: Recoil - press key and current weapon will have less
    recoil. May not work with all weapons. This will remain
    in place until you have a cutscene or load in a saved game.
    Swapping guns, you may have to do this for each weapon.

    Numpad 9: Rapid Burst - toggle on and off for faster rate of fire with
    some weapons. Swapping guns, you may have to do this for each weapon.

    For the next several options, you must first decide which unit to affect
    such as the Player you control, or one of the 2 Squad members by first
    pressing the correct function key (F10, F11, F12). Next decide what
    you want to affect on that unit by pressing the correct key (Numpad 0
    or Numpad *). Last, press the Numpad + or Numpad - keys to increase
    or decrease that value. For instance, if you want to increase the
    Level of the second Squad member, press F12, then Numpad /, then press
    Numpad +. You do not have to be at the Squad Information screen to
    do this. Also, if you DO use these options there, you might not
    see the values change until you leave the Squad screen and come back.
    Your XP is unaffected by these options, so you may have to earn a lot
    of XP before it is displayed if you have levelled units up beyond their
    current XP. You can always buy upgrades and then level back down to
    the actual normal current level for that unit.

    F10 key: Select Player (Shephard)
    F11 key: Select Squad Member 1
    F12 key: Select Squad Member 2

    Numpad 0: Affect Squad Points
    Numpad /: Affect Level

    Numpad +: Increase
    Numpad -: Decrease

    Also note that Numpad +/- can be used on Paragon and Renegade (see below)

    More Options Notes

    Numpad *: Cooldowns - toggle this on and off for instant cooldown reset
    on the use of powers. This works for the powers that are
    on the 8 slot Quickbar on the top of the screen.

    [ key: Add Credits - press key to add more credits. You might need to
    press ESC and examine your Credits once for this to work.

    ] key: Medkits - press key for 9 medkits. You might need to
    press ESC and examine your medkits once for this to work.

    \ key: Grenades - press key for 9 grenades. You might need to
    press ESC and examine your credits (yes, CREDITS) to
    allow this to work.

    ; key: Paragon - press this key to select Paragon, then use Numpad +/-
    to increase or decrease it. You must first have earned at
    least a small amount of Paragon for this to work. If you have
    NO Paragon this won't change. You will have to leave the
    Paragon/Renegade meter screen and come back to see it
    has changed.

    ' key: Renegade - press this key to select Renegade, then use Numpad +/-
    to increase or decrease it. You must first have earned at
    least a small amount of Renegade for this to work. If you have
    NO Renegade this won't change. You will have to leave the
    Paragon/Renegade meter screen and come back to see it
    has changed.

    O key: Unlimited Fuel - while in Space Travel Map mode, toggle this on
    and when you move, your fuel will remain high.

    P key: Fast Space Travel - while in Space Travel Map mode, toggle this
    on and your spacecraft will travel on the map faster. You
    may have to toggle off and back on when re-entering Sector

    L key: Unlimited Scans / Reset Alert - toggle this on and when you
    enter areas that previously had a filled Reaper Alert, the
    alert will be gone. Also, while this is on, you can scan
    areas for quite some time and while the Reapers will be
    signalled, they will not approach.

    K key: Massive War Assets - this will give one of your assets a
    massive value, so that your total will be overwhelming.
    To use this, enter the War Terminal, then click on the
    Alliance assets in the list (Click the + sign). It will
    list the Alliance assets that are with you. Press the
    option key, then leave the War Terminal and come back.
    You will see your war assets have increased. We have
    NO IDEA if this will change the outcome of the game or
    if this gives you any other advantages.
    Chris O'Rorke (
    Owner: Cheat
    Dingo WebWorks, LLC
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