Trainer Battle
Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Review
 CHEATfactor Game Review by: Joe Sinicki
Reviewed on: PC

Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Star Wars: Battlefront. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience. For better or worse, our reviews will help you decide whether or not to use cheats when playing the game.

I'm running through the forrest of Endor, dodging fire from Imperial Storm Troopers. I gun a few down and rally with my fellow rebels. We're pulling ahead, and that's when we see it; a giant AT-AT walker headed our way. Luckily, a X-Wing swoops in and gives us cover fire, allowing us to slip away. This is Star Wars: Battlefront, and it's so faithful to a galaxy far, far away that it hurts. It hurts because for all that it does right, it's lacking in depth and content. It looks like Star Wars, it sounds like Star Wars; hell there were even moments where I swore that it smelt like Star Wars but in between the moments of dazzling brilliance and remarkable fan service you'll realize that Battlefront is a lot of sizzle and not a lot of substance. only skims the surface.
Star Wars: Battlefront Review Screenshot

All of this makes Star Wars: Battlefront both the best and the worst Star Wars video game I've played. It perfectly captures what makes Star Wars such a beloved franchise, the music fits and it feels perfect, but it only skims the surface. Playing single player? You may want to look elsewhere. That's not to say that I was bored with Star Wars: Battlefront, far from it; in fact I may have played some modes I normally wouldn't have with a similar online shooter, but is that an excuse?

Battlefront accomplishes what it seeks out to do, recreate some of the greatest battles in Star Wars history and create some new ones at the same time. If you've played the Battlefield recently you'll feel mostly at home here since Dice, the same developer is responsible for both series and the presentation value is as well done as you'd expect from the developer. It's so well done that when things feel out of place, they really feel out of place. This is most evident in moments where the hero characters spout off cheesy one liners delivered by sound-a-likes that don't really sound anything alike. When Han Solo sounds more like my drunk uncle's impersonation of Han Solo, it's easy noticed. It might sound a bit like nitpicking but when you've got a franchise as beloved as Star Wars, people are going to care.

When Battlefront is at it's best, it's a fantastic experience filled with modes that serve the gameplay well but admittedly there are some that don't. Walker Assault mode is the obvious star here as it represents nearly everything I've ever wanted from a Star Wars game. It pits an underdog rebel alliance against a formidable and powerful assault from the empire. The rebels have to take over command posts and then take out thundering vehicles like AT-AT's and AT-ST's in order to succeed. It's a lot tougher than it sounds and doing so is incredibly rewarding. Similar modes like supremacy and droid run are fun as well but I kept going back to Walker Assault each time I booted up the game.

There was one mode that I really wanted to love but couldn't because it felt like an afterthought. Fighter Squadron puts you in the cockpit of some of the series' most well-known vehicles and has you dog fighting above some of the series' biggest locations. Sounds awesome right? Well it should be, and I wanted to love it but it feels so tacked on. My biggest complaint is that there's almost no sense of speed here; and I couldn't help but feel like I was just floating around. There are some pretty cool evasive maneuvers you can do but that feels like the only time that there's a sense of urgency here but hey, at least I can fly the Millennium Falcon right?

...constantly made things feel new.
Star Wars: Battlefront Review Screenshot

What kept me coming back to Battlefront though was how it used small changes to make each battle feel different. Every player brings their own customized load out that they've unlocked to battle and different objectives and weaponry make a huge difference and constantly made things feel new. There are also hero cards you can unlock that let you spawn as different iconic characters from the franchise like Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or Boba Fett. It's a lost of fun watching these characters on the battlefield and even more fun playing as them as they can make a huge difference in both you play and how your enemies respond. Try to to tell me it's not fun force chocking and cutting through rebel soldiers as Darth Vader, go on try it.

Once you've seen what Battlefront has to offer though it becomes clear that's a thin package. It's unquestionably missing features, maps and content from previous games and the number of maps and characters is lacking here, especially if you're playing single player. There's no official story campaign here but there is a surprisingly fun survival mode. EA and DICE will unquestionably be adding more content post release but the fact that they shipped the game with so few of everything is a bit staggering. But hey, there's a $50 season pass available...

Star Wars: Battlefront is not a bad game, it can just feel like an unfinished one. It's not the best shooter of the year, but it is one of the best Star Wars games you'll ever play. No game has captured the feeling of being in the middle of a Star Wars battle quite this well before and when it works, it works so damn well but unfortunately it doesn't always work and you're likely to get bored with what EA has launched with the game before long. That being said, Star Wars: Battlefront is still a must play for all fans of the franchise.

Overall: 8/10
Lasting Appeal:

Some say that the light saber is the most important weapon in the galaxy. Some say there's no match for a blaster by your side. I say just use the trainer for Star Wars: Battlefront from Cheat Happens. Pesky AT-AT's got you down? Throw on cheats like the unlimited health and no weapon cool down to blow them to fiery pieces, or just use the easy vehicles cheat to make the empire fall. The trainer for Battlefront is full of cheats that you'll love to use regardless of the mode you're playing on.

Joe Sinicki
Joe started off writing about video games for small fan sites when he realized he should probably do something with his communications degree and didn't want to get into the grind of daily reporting. Joining the team in late 2008, Joe is the featured game reviewer for Cheat Happens, producing up to 10 CHEATfactor Game Reviews per month.