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Assassin´s Creed: Unity Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Assassin´s Creed: Unity. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Rated: "M" for Mature

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 9/10 
Unity's version of Paris is stunning in almost all ways and showcases what next-gen consoles and PCs are capable of. The crowds in the game recreated perhaps better than in any game before.
Gameplay 7/10 
It's still incredibly familiar and relies heavily on the last-gen engine and failed to fix some of the series most persistent issues that have plagued the franchise since it's inception.
Lasting Appeal 8/10 
If you've played any of the recent Assassin's Creed games you'll feel right at home with Unity. Just don't expect to care about the story here, or any of the characters at all.
Overall 9/10 
It's a showcase of new-gen power and brings the world of Paris to life like never before but it's also plagued by the same franchises that have been issues since the series inception.
CHEATfactor 9/10 

Diving off of a church spire in Assassin's Creed Unity's gorgeous Paris, I couldn't help but feel like it was a metaphor for the entire experience; gorgeous from a far, but flawed once you get up close. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun with Assassin's Creed Unity, much more than many of the titles in the franchise, but it still left me wanting more. For every rewarding assassination mission, there was another reminder that the series is still suffering from issues that have been plaguing it for years. Still though, fans of the series will find much to love with the series real debut on the next generation of hardware.

"...don't expect to follow it or really care."


The game follows the story of new assassin Arno, but don't expect to follow it or really care. It's a tale that's well put together enough sure, but it still doesn't do much to keep you interested in what's going on (I found myself trying to skip through as many scenes as possible but to my disappointment only some were). The series still sticks to it's whole met-story following a weird game development studio that is trying to use memories for interactive entertainment and the mythos are so heavy here that it's hard to much through it all.

Rather, the real star of the game is the 18th-century Paris Ubisoft Montreal has created for Unity. The city shines with detail and color that make it feel like a truly living and breathing entity. It was great fun to be parkouring up a wall, only to escape through an open window and crash a dinner party, making the attendees cower in fear. This is a city in the midst of a revolution though and you're sure to run into some of society's less fortunate in the streets and alleyways. That, in essence is what Unity does better than anything else, as Unity features some of the best looking crowds I've ever seen in a game. During the game's most chaotic moments, these crowds literally take over the screen and it's truly a sight to behold.

Gameplay wise, not much has changed from previous Assassin's Creed games to Unity. You're still going to be running around the city, using the buildings and other structures to your advantage in order to take out your targets and for what it's worth, Unity still succeeds at everything the series usually succeeds at. It's still super rewarding to plot out a successful attack and it's even more so with the game's remarkable set pieces that are almost too good to spoil here.

"Moving through the city also feels remarkably better than ever..."


Moving through the city also feels remarkably better than ever here thanks to a series of great animations and a new parkour down system that makes it much easier to get off of structures, though I still did find myself having a bit of trouble cuing up the game to allow me to jump down from a few churches. It's really a problem that haunted a lot of the game, especially the stealth sections, that never really let me know if I was in cover or not, and forced me to have to try certain sections multiple times.

Unity has a great sense of progression regardless of how you play and you'll frequently be upgrading your assassin and his gear to make missions easier. It was a lot of fun to change my character up in ways that the series has never seen before, even going as far as to choose my own weapon. The game's multiplayer suite is integrated into the main game almost seamlessly and allows you to bank your experiences with your teammates to get more rewards. You get rewards for your individual accomplishments but get nothing if even one of your squad mates die, so you'll have to find the right balance of earning points and helping your friends.

I liked Unity more than I thought I would - much more than most games in the Assassin's Creed franchise, but it still left me wanting more when I completed it's main campaign. It's a showcase of new-gen power and brings the world of Paris to life like never before but it's also plagued by the same franchises that have been issues since the series inception. Unity isn't the revolution it's meant to be, but it might just be the warning shot of what's to come.

CHEATS USED: God Mode, Ghost Mode, Add Lockpicks, more

One of the most interesting aspects of Assassin's Creed Unity is it's progression and upgrade system, which allows you to acquire new weapons, tactics and tools to carry out your missions. There's a bit of give and take as you have to decide what to focus on and upgrade - not so with the trainer from Cheat Happens, which gives you the freedom to add and upgrade pretty much anything in the game. The ability to add lock picks and bombs as I wanted to made my character much more rounded.

There's also the Ghost and God modes, which allow you to have pretty much ultimate freedom in how you take out your targets. I can't tell you how fun it was just to walk through a crowd, take out your target and walk out - like a boss