Trainer Battle
Strike Suit Zero Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Strike Suit Zero. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Born Ready Games
Publisher: Born Ready Games
Rated: RP

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 6/10 
Technically speaking, Strike Suit Zero looks fine, it's just bland. It's very stripped down in terms of extra features and frills. The soundtrack is pretty impressive though; impressive but repetitive.
Gameplay 5/10 

Strike Suit Zero has some great ideas and some great fun space combat, but it also doesn't know when to leave well enough alone and runs the combat into the ground.

Lasting Appeal 4/10 
Strike Suit Zero features the normal array of ships and weapons that you'll be able to upgrade but none of that will matter when the actual gameplay bores you so quickly.
Overall 5/10 

Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut often feels like it's a game stuck in time. While it does a decent enough job masking some of the issues of last year's initial release, it could have been so much more.

CHEATfactor 5/10 

You know what's something you haven't played in a while? A good space shooter. Well, a new one anyway. Like me, you may be hoping that the director's cut of last year's Strike Suit Zero would change all that but sadly it's not to be. Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut takes some great strides towards fixing some of the issues of the original release but fails to address the biggest issues; the lame story and repetitive gameplay. There's some good quality fun to be had with Strike Suit Zero but it's very limited.

"...countless sci-fi clichés and tropes..."


The problems with Strike Suit Zero begin right away with the game's story as it doesn't even try to get past the countless sci-fi clichés and tropes it employs so proudly. You play as disgraced pilot Adams, who's trying to prove that he's fit for service again when evil colonial forces attack earth's fleet. It's not up to Adams to use the Strike Suit to defeat the evil colonials and save earth. At no point does the game go for any deeper meaning or story, this is strictly a shoot dudes who look different than you, only this time they're dudes who look different in space ships.

At its core, Strike Suit Zero's gameplay is actually pretty fun. The vast majority of the game revolves around you piloting the Strike Suit (it's pretty much just a spaceship that can transform into a mech) and getting into dogfights with enemies. It's a fun and solid mechanic that serves it's purpose and is satisfying enough, especially when it's a huge knock down-drag out fight. Unfortunately though, the development team doesn't know when to leave enough alone.

" gets just about as boring as you'd think."


Oh you liked those dogfights? Maybe you'll like twenty more, back to back! Hell, why not 30? The vast majority of missions in Strike Suit Zero require you to perform roughly the same objectives and it gets just about as boring as you'd think. Sure, the Strike Suit is very cool to pilot and you'll feel empowered when using it and upgrading it, but when you're taking on forty identical enemies in the same mission and then doing the same thing the next time, even the coolest weapon can feel lame. Other space games feature similarly lame objectives, but are able to mask it with an at least decent story but Strike Suit Zero doesn't have that crutch.

Surprisingly, Strike Suit is a pretty bare bones offering when compared to the few modern day space shooters on the market. Sure, there are tons of upgrades you can unlock but this is far from the next generation of space shooters it could have been. The visuals offer a paint by number space experience though it does perform well even in the most frantic battles. The soundtrack was a nice surprise and fit the battles quite well.

Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut often feels like it's a game stuck in time. While it does a decent enough job masking some of the issues of last year's initial release, it could have been so much more. There aren't a lot of good space shooters around anymore and this could have been the start of something new but instead it's a repetitive and boring space shooter that you'll be tired of before not too long at all. Strike Suit Zero, and its director's cut more specifically, are worth a look; but not much more.

CHEATS USED: Infinite Armor, Infinite Shield, Unlimited Ammo, more

The trainer for the Director's Cut of Strike Suit Zero is a lot like the game itself. It's dent enough, but it won't surprise you with anything else. You'll have access to infinite resources like armor, shields and energy plus ammo and thrusters. It gives you everything you need to clear your name, but it's also everything you expect.

Stick with CheatHappens for more cheats for Strike Suit Zero as the become available.